Форми криміногенних впливів засобів масової інформації: теоретичний аспект

dc.contributor.authorПахнін, М. Л.
dc.contributor.authorPakhnin, M. L.
dc.contributor.authorORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9236-9723
dc.descriptionПахнін, М. Л. Форми криміногенних впливів засобів масової інформації: теоретичний аспект / Пахнін Микола Леонідович // Наше право. - 2022. - № 2. - С. 140-147. - DOI: 10.32782/NP.2022.2.20.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВиокремлено різні форми криміногенних впливів засобів масової інформації на свідомість особи або групи людей на підставі аналізу доктринальних кримінологічних позицій та наявної судової практики з цієї проблематики.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractBased on the analysis of various doctrinal criminological positions and existing case law, taking into account such criteria as “abuse of freedom of speech”, various forms of criminogenic infl uences of the media on the consciousness of an individual or group of people are identifi ed and based on their own generalized conclusions. It is noted that the forms of criminogenic infl uences of the media on the consciousness of a person or group of people should in no way be identifi ed with the types of such infl uences or replace them with the latter. Forms of criminogenic infl uences of the media can be represented: 1) a group of forms prohibited by criminal law and punished or secured by other non-punitive criminal law sanctions - represented by cases of media performance of certain criminal offenses under the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, as well as cases of authorized media legal entities in interests and on behalf of legal entities of the media of criminal offenses under Art. 109, art. Art. 110, 301, 301-1, 301-2, 343, 345, 376, 377, 436, 437, 447 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, or cases of commission by authorized persons of legal entities of the media on behalf of the legal entity of the media of a criminal offense under Art. 258-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine; 2) a group of forms prohibited by law, but not punished or not secured by other criminal sanctions. These include: a) falsifi cation (distortion) of socially important information; b) dissemination of unverifi ed data in the form of reliable messages; c) discrediting individuals and organizations; d) informing about methods and ways of committing criminal offenses, in particular dissemination of information about ways, methods of development, manufacture and use of explosive devices or substances, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors; 3) a group of forms that violate professional and ethical standards. This group can be represented by such methods of infl uence as: a) the use of profanity; b) the creation of confl ict situations; c) romanticization of crime and criminal offenses, as well as glorifi cation of persons who have committed criminal offenses (creation and development of criminal subculture); d) advertising of alcohol or tobacco products and gambling business; e) formation of a negative opinion about state, including law enforcement agencies, courts and their offi cials; e) propaganda of cruelty, scenes of violence, pornography.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВыделены различные формы криминогенных воздействий средств массовой информации на сознание личности или группы людей на основании анализа доктринальных криминологических позиций и существующей судебной практики по данной проблематике.uk_UA
dc.publisherНаше право. - 2022. - № 2. - С. 140-147uk_UA
dc.subjectКримінологія. Criminology. Криминологияuk_UA
dc.subjectНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииuk_UA
dc.subjectзасоби масової інформаціїuk_UA
dc.subjectmass mediauk_UA
dc.subjectсредства массовой информацииuk_UA
dc.subjectкриміногенний впливuk_UA
dc.subjectcriminogenic influenceuk_UA
dc.subjectкриминогенное влияниеuk_UA
dc.subjectформи криміногенних впливівuk_UA
dc.subjectforms of criminogenic influencesuk_UA
dc.subjectформы криминогенных воздействийuk_UA
dc.titleФорми криміногенних впливів засобів масової інформації: теоретичний аспектuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeForms of criminogenic influences of mass media: theoretical aspectuk_UA


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