Місце інформації в системі об’єктів конституційно-правових відносин
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Публічне право. - 2023. - № 2 (50). - С. 5-13
Окреслено місце і роль інформації в системі об’єктів конституційно-правових відносин. Наголошено, що інформація впливає на усі аспекти людського життя, виступає основою для прийняття рішень, сприяє науковим дослідженням
та забезпечує розвиток суспільства і держави в цілому. Інформація є важливим інструментом для соціального прогресу, оскільки вона допомагає усвідомлювати проблеми, розробляти нові ідеї і впроваджувати інновації.
Наукова новизна дослідження зумовлена фрагментарністю попередніх досліджень і передбачає отримання нових знань про системні зв’язки між об’єктами конституційно-правових відносин; еволюції змісту терміну «об’єкт конституційно-правових відносин»; конкретизацію змістовного наповнення терміну «інформація».
The article outlines the place and role of information in the object system of constitutional and legal relations. It is emphasised that the information affects all aspects of human life, serves as a basis for decision-making, promotes scientific research and ensures the development of society and the State as a whole. Information is an important tool for social progress, as it helps to understand problems, develop new ideas and introduce innovations. The purpose and objectives of the study are to determine the place of information in the system of objects of constitutional and legal relations. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the fragmentation of previous studies and involves obtaining new knowledge about the systemic links between the objects of constitutional and legal relations; evolution of the content within the term “object of constitutional and legal relations”; and specification of the meaning and content of the term “information”. It is emphasised that information as an object of legal regulation is multivariate. At the same time, it is noted that information is one of the most important objects of constitutional law, and a significant number of legal relations arising around it, by their importance and peculiarities of regulation, can be attributed to the sphere of constitutional and legal relationships. It is stressed that information, as a primary or even secondary object of constitutional and legal relations, is fundamental and creates an appropriate basis for building other constitutional and legal relations. It organically interacts with many other objects of constitutional and legal relations, since it has a special nature and properties. Three main areas of public and state life in which information is a key object of constitutional legal relations are identified: state security, the sphere of ensuring democracy in the state, and cultural and information relations. This list is not exhaustive, and it is emphasised that it will certainly be expanded at the scientific and legislative levels in the future. It is concluded that information organically interacts with virtually all other objects of constitutional and legal relations, since it has a special nature and properties. Being, in fact, a fundamental matter, it penetrates into all spheres of human life, outlining and mediating their perception.
Обозначено место и роль информации в системе объектов конституционно-правовых отношений. Отмечено, что информация влияет на все аспекты человеческой жизни, выступает основой для принятия решений, способствует научным исследованиям и обеспечивает развитие общества и государства в целом. Информация является важным инструментом социального прогресса, поскольку она помогает осознавать проблемы, разрабатывать новые идеи и внедрять инновации.
The article outlines the place and role of information in the object system of constitutional and legal relations. It is emphasised that the information affects all aspects of human life, serves as a basis for decision-making, promotes scientific research and ensures the development of society and the State as a whole. Information is an important tool for social progress, as it helps to understand problems, develop new ideas and introduce innovations. The purpose and objectives of the study are to determine the place of information in the system of objects of constitutional and legal relations. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the fragmentation of previous studies and involves obtaining new knowledge about the systemic links between the objects of constitutional and legal relations; evolution of the content within the term “object of constitutional and legal relations”; and specification of the meaning and content of the term “information”. It is emphasised that information as an object of legal regulation is multivariate. At the same time, it is noted that information is one of the most important objects of constitutional law, and a significant number of legal relations arising around it, by their importance and peculiarities of regulation, can be attributed to the sphere of constitutional and legal relationships. It is stressed that information, as a primary or even secondary object of constitutional and legal relations, is fundamental and creates an appropriate basis for building other constitutional and legal relations. It organically interacts with many other objects of constitutional and legal relations, since it has a special nature and properties. Three main areas of public and state life in which information is a key object of constitutional legal relations are identified: state security, the sphere of ensuring democracy in the state, and cultural and information relations. This list is not exhaustive, and it is emphasised that it will certainly be expanded at the scientific and legislative levels in the future. It is concluded that information organically interacts with virtually all other objects of constitutional and legal relations, since it has a special nature and properties. Being, in fact, a fundamental matter, it penetrates into all spheres of human life, outlining and mediating their perception.
Обозначено место и роль информации в системе объектов конституционно-правовых отношений. Отмечено, что информация влияет на все аспекты человеческой жизни, выступает основой для принятия решений, способствует научным исследованиям и обеспечивает развитие общества и государства в целом. Информация является важным инструментом социального прогресса, поскольку она помогает осознавать проблемы, разрабатывать новые идеи и внедрять инновации.
Ключові слова
інформація, конституційно-правові відносини, об’єкт регулювання, відомості, інформаційний суверенітет, пропаганда, information, constitutional and legal relations, object of regulation, data, information sovereignty, propaganda, информация, конституционно-правовые отношения, объект регулирования, сведения, информационный суверенитет
Бібліографічний опис
Венглінський, О. Місце інформації в системі об’єктів конституційно-правових відносин / Олександр Венглінський // Публічне право. - 2023. - № 2 (50). - С. 5-13. - DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.32782/2306-9082/2023-50-1.