Medvid, M.Khatsaiuk, O. V.Хацаюк, О. В.Sydorchenko, K.Vorok, S.Kernas, A.Borovyk, M. O.Боровик, М. О.Боровик Микола Олександрович2024-10-112024Sports Pedagogy: Readiness of Cadets to Apply Physical Action in Different Conditions of Service Activity / Mykhailo Medvid, Oleksandr Khatsaiuk, Kateryna Sydorchenko, Semen Vorok, Andrey Kernas, Mykola Borovyk // Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională. – 2024. – Vol. 16, Issue 2. – P. 336-355. – DOI :, M., Khatsaiuk, O., Sydorchenko, K., Vorok, S., Kernas, A., & Borovyk, M. (2024). Sports pedagogy: readiness of cadets to apply physical action in different conditions of service activity. Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională, 16(2), 336-355.Метою даного дослідження є вивчення розвитку прикладних навичок застосування фізичної сили у майбутніх жінок-офіцерів МВС України з урахуванням їх фізіологічних особливостей.This study aims to investigate the development of applied characteristics. The research has validated the hypothesis that enhancing Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in applying physical force measures under various service conditions can be achieved through specific organizational and pedagogical conditions. They are as follows: tailoring technical and tactical methods of physical force application to cadets' unique physiological traits; incorporating specialized exercises and techniques in service-oriented hand-to-hand combat into cadet training to enhance task performance efficiency across diverse service contexts; intensifying technical and tactical training focused on physical force application. This training emphasized improvements in offensive and defensive actions, technical proficiency, transition efficiency between defence and offence, increased striking power and speed, development of explosive force and customization of force application approaches based on individual cadet profiles. The study involved 110 cadets from two higher education institutions within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Data collection utilized a hardware-software system for measuring striking forces during martial arts techniques and a videocomputer system ("Katsumoto") for rapid biomechanical movement analysis. Analysis of empirical data demonstrated positive advancements in female cadets' readiness to apply physical force measures across different service conditions within the experimental group (EG). Specifically, the proportion of EG cadets with low readiness levels decreased significantly (by 32-33%), while those with high readiness levels increased (by 1416%). Conversely, the control group (CG) did not exhibit significant changes. The validity of these findings was confirmed through chi 2 criterion testing.Целью данного исследования является изучение развития прикладных навыков применения физической силы у будущих женщин-сотрудников МВД Украины с учетом их физиологических особенностей.enУкраїнаpublikatsii u WoSphysical forcefemale physiological featuresscientific toolsfemale law enforcement officersspecial physical trainingфізична силажіночі фізіологічні особливостінауковий інструментарійжінки-правоохоронціспеціальна фізична підготовкажінкиправоохоронціwomenlaw enforcement officersспециальная физическая подготовкаправоохранителиженщиныsports pedagogyспортивна педагогікаспортивная педагогикаSports Pedagogy: Readiness of Cadets to Apply Physical Action in Different Conditions of Service ActivityArticle 0002-4506-8020 0003-1669-6375 0003-0943-6735