Бандурка, О. М.Bandurka, O. M.ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0240-5517Литвинов, О. М.Lytvynov, O. M.ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2952-82582017-04-272018-04-022017-04-272018-04-022017http://www.visnikkau.org/http://dspace.univd.edu.ua/xmlui/handle/123456789/1905Бандурка, О. М. Роль і значення інтуїтивного пізнання у кримінології / Олександр Маркович Бандурка, Олексій Миколайович Литвинов // Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2017. - № 1 (15). - С. 30-38.Bandurka, O. M. and Lytvynov, O. M. (2017), “The role and importance of intuitive cognition in criminology” [Rol i znachennia intuityvnoho piznannia u kryminolohii], Visnyk Kryminolohichnoi asotsiatsii Ukrainy, No. 1, pp. 30–38.Статтю присвячено аналізу сучасних підходів до встановлення ролі інтуїції як важливого пізнавального інструменту творчих процесів. Розглянуто визначення поняття «інтуїція». Особливу увагу приділено абстрактно-логічному і просторово-образному типам мислення, проблемі співвідношення дискурсивного (логічного) та інтуїтивного у процесі кримінологічного пізнання.The current level of the development of criminological scientific knowledge allows to clarify and, in some cases, to review some traditional assumption and assessment of the relevant instruments. Obviously, understanding of intuition, which was made before, did not satisfy the theory and practice, as well as the approaches to the problem solving by the means and techniques of traditional conceptual theory. Meanwhile, a comprehensive study of the problem, finding of internal differentiation of intuitive knowledge and demonstration of the implemented potential of intuition will make it possible to study the essence of the problem more fully and adequately. According to its nature, the process of cognition in criminology is subjective and presumptive. However, objective patterns of the development of really existing circumstances, events and processes their typical changes under the influence of various factors are laid in the basis. Information on these circumstances and facts are incomplete; especially it concerns the data on crime rate, where there is always an element of the unknown. However, intuition – is a direct, immediate choice of the truth. It significantly differs from the indirect, sensible cognition. It is innate cognitive ability, which depends on the volume of practical experience. Knowledge itself does not generate intuition, but assists the disclosure of its content. Thus, scientific intuition – is quality special kind of cognitive activity, coiled logic of thinking. On its basis the parts of the research process are carried in the minds more or less unconsciously, but the result of thought – the truth that requires further discursive proof is very clearly understood. The priority action field of scientific intuition – is the scientific inquiry. Rational cognition by a criminologist of hidden with the time and space from him phenomena and events related to crime is built as follows: the reference object (typical data and characteristics) – the scheme of actions with the standard (the program of criminological research) – extrapolation of certain data on the ideal to a broader subject area or the entire reality (creative adjustment of a program and the development of an algorithm of actions). The fact that this knowledge is not transmitted to the brain by some copies of objects, but acts as a subjective image tells in favor of the authenticity of the cognition obtained in this way. It is an imaginary meeting with cognitive, immediate stay in the original and merge with it is a guarantee of reliability of the obtained information.Статья посвящена анализу современных подходов к определению роли интуиции как важного познавательного инструмента творческих процессов. Рассмотрено определение понятия «интуиция». Особое внимание уделено абстрактно-логическому и пространственно-образному типам мышления, проблеме соотношения дискурсивного (логического) и интуитивного в процессе криминологического познания.otherКримінологія. Criminology. КриминологияНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииУкраїна. Ukraine. Украинаінтуїціяпізнаннякримінологічний аналізмисленняуяваобразintuitioncognitioncriminological analysisthinkingimaginationimageинтуицияпознаниекриминологический анализмышлениевоображениеРоль і значення інтуїтивного пізнання у кримінологіїThe role and importance of intuitive cognition in criminologyРоль и значение интуитивного познания в криминологииArticle