Салманова, О. Ю.Salmanova, O. Y.ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6376-11602017-01-042018-05-182017-01-042018-05-182015http://dspace.univd.edu.ua/xmlui/handle/123456789/1553Салманова О.Ю. Поняття, види та особливості функцій управління освітньою діяльністю / Салманова О.Ю. // Науковий вісник Академії муніципального управління. Серія: Право. – 2015. – Вип. 1, Ч. 1. – С. 275-282.У статті аналізується процес управління освітньою діяльністю. Автор розглядає проблемні питання, пов’язані із класифікацією функцій управління освітньою діяльністю, визначенням їх змісту та принципів типологізації.The process of management of the pedagogical activity is researched in the article. The author considerers the problem questions, which concern the classifications of functions of management, its contents and typology. Relevance of the topic is that the problem of finding effective models of management of educational activities in recent years, is one of the most important. General trends of democratization and humanization of society, the reforms taking place in the educational system of Ukraine necessitate changes outdated concept of social control in Ukraine and the transition to the new position of modern management paradigm. The modernization of the education system requires revision and updating of existing management models that, first of all, needs to be improved and the development of the basic functions of management of educational activities. The purpose of this article is to attempt to determine the functional component of modern content management process in educational activities. The stated goal determines the following main objectives: to find out the essence of the concept of "management of educational activities" to summarize the scientific views on the content and the main criteria for the classification of management functions, as well as to describe their characteristics at the present stage of modernization of the national education system. The findings concluded that the analysis of the functional aspects of the management of educational activity, generalization of scientific views on the content and the main criteria for the classification of management functions allow the following conclusions: in the modernization of our education system the specific content and features allow management educational activities is increasingly determined characteristic modern society processes of liberalization and democratization, individualization and differentiation of the educational process; features of the control functions at the present stage of development of the educational process of their becoming multi-level and strengthening relationships aimed at improving coordination between the subjects of administrative relations, is a prerequisite for ensuring the integrity of the entire system; management efficiency educational activity today directly depends on the constant interaction of all the above functions, and by strict adherence to the sequence of their execution.В статье анализируется процесс управления педагогической деятельностью. Автор рассматривает проблемные вопросы, связанные с классификацией функций управления, их содержанием и принципами типологизации.otherОсвіта. Педагогіка. Education. Pedagogy. Образование. ПедагогикаНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикациипедагогічна діяльністьуправління освітньою діяльністюфункції управлінняпедагогическая деятельностьуправление педагогической деятельностьюфункции управленияpedagogical activitymanagement of a pedagogical activityfunctions of managementПоняття, види та особливості функцій управління освітньою діяльністюПонятие, виды и особенности функции управление образовательную деятельностьConcept, functions types and features management educational activitiesArticle