Khatsaiuk, O. V.Хацаюк, О. В.ORCID:, M.Maksymchuk, B.Kurok, O.Dziuba, P.Дзюба, П.Tyurina, V. O.Тюріна, В. О.ORCID:, P. D.Червоний, П. Д.ORCID:, O. O.Євдокімова, О. О.ORCID:, M.Demchenko, I.Maliar, N.Maliar, E.Maksymchuk, I.2021-10-182021-10-182021 future officers for performing assigned tasks through special physical training / Khatsaiuk, O., Medvid, M., Maksymchuk, B. and ot. // Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala. – 2021. – Vol. 13, Issue 2. – P. 457-475. – DOI:, O., Medvid, M., Maksymchuk, B., Kurok, O., Dziuba, P., Tyurina, V., Chervonyi, P., Yevdokimova, O., Levko, M., Demchenko, I., Maliar, N., Maliar, E., & Maksymchuk, I. (2021). Preparing Future Officers for Performing Assigned Tasks through Special Physical Training. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 13(2), 457-475.Стаття має на меті сформулювати модель формування готовності майбутніх офіцерів до виконання поставлених завдань із застосуванням спеціальної фізичної підготовки у вищих військових навчальних закладах та проаналізувати результати педагогічного експерименту щодо їх реалізації.The use of the newest pedagogical technologies (techniques) with the accentuated influence of the modern technical means of training during practical classes with the SPT and other forms of physical training with the cadets of the National Academy of National Guard of Ukraine during their professional development ensures that they acquire the necessary level of readiness to perform assigned tasks and is the priority of the scientific research. The article aims to formulate a model for forming future officers' readiness to perform assigned tasks using special physical training in higher military educational institutions and to analyze the results of the pedagogical experiment on its implementation. While conducting the pedagogical experiment, the modern technical means of training and functional complexes were used, which increases the level of special physical readiness among the representatives of the experimental group. Also, pedagogical conditions for forming future officers’ readiness to perform assigned tasks using special physical training at the Command faculty of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine were experimentally verified. To improve the “shock” technique of HHC (the technique of applying physical activity measures) and the explosive force, we used the hardware-software system of the martial arts technique “Katsumoto” impact registration (HSS “Katsumoto”), video monitoring of technical handicap operations, Human Reactions Complex (AECS – LAB). Experimental work was implemented in two groups: the control group (CG, n=62) and the experimental group (EG, n=61). It is experimentally confirmed that the high qualification level of special physical readiness ensures the high-quality performance of assigned tasks.Статья имеет целью сформулировать модель формирования готовности будущих офицеров к выполнению поставленных задач с применением специальной физической подготовки в высших военных учебных заведениях и проанализировать результаты педагогического эксперимента по их реализации.enПсихологія. Рsychology. ПсихологияНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииpublikatsii u zarubizhnomu vydannipublikatsii u WoSpublikatsii u EBSCOcadetsprofessional competencypedagogical conditionsmodern technical means of trainingqualification levelsНаціональна поліція України. National police of Ukraine. Национальная полиция УкраиныNational police of UkraineНациональная полиция Украиныкурсантипрофесійна компетентністьпедагогічні умовисучасні технічні засоби навчаннякваліфікаційні рівнікурсантыпрофессиональная компетентностьпедагогические условиясовременные технические средства обученияуровни квалификацииPreparing future officers for performing assigned tasks through special physical trainingArticle