Bilyk, V.Girenko, S. P.Гіренко, С. П.ORCID:, H. V.Джагупов, Г. В.ORCID:а, N. E.Мілорадова, Н. Е.ORCID:, V. V.Доценко, В. В.ORCID: aspects of natural science training of future psychologists in higher education institutions in Finland and Sweden / V. Bilyk, S. Girenko, H. Dzhahupov, N. Miloradova, V. Dotsenko // BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience. - 2022. - Vol. 13, Issue 1. - P. 112-131. - DOI:, V., Girenko, S., Dzhahupov, H., Miloradova, N., & Dotsenko, V. (2022). Neurophysiological Aspects of Natural Science Training of Future Psychologists in Higher Education Institutions in Finland and Sweden. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 13(1), 112-131.Актуальність дослідження природничо-наукової підготовки майбутніх психологів щодо наявності нейронаукових знань у змісті освіти полягає в тому, що нейронауки проникли в усі сфери соціонічної підготовки і є синергетичним компонентом для гуманітарних аспектів психології людини.The relevance of the study of the natural science training of future psychologists for the presence of neuroscientific knowledge in the content of education lies in the fact that neurosciences have penetrated all spheres of socionic areas of training and are a synergistic component for the humanitarian aspects of human psychology. The aim of our article is to investigate the content component of psychological education in the universities of Finland and Sweden in order to determine its relevance to the modern interdisciplinary humanities and natural sciences paradigm, in particular the application of neuroscience in the training of psychologists. It was found that the neurophysiological aspect of psychological education (in parallel with the environmental) at the universities of Finland and Sweden is implemented through the implementation of disciplines, focused on the study of the neurophysiological nature of higher nervous activity (compulsory disciplines) and mainly neurophysiological diagnostic and cognitively oriented selective disciplines. There is a difference in the approach to planning the training of future psychologists: in Finland, lists of variable disciplines are approved, in Sweden only compulsory subjects are regulated, and in the variable component students have full academic freedom. It has been established that higher psychological education in Sweden and Finland is fully consistent with the tendencies of today’s society, in which there is a "blurring" of boundaries between scientific fields and an orientation towards building a student's personal educational space.Актуальность исследования естественнонаучной подготовки будущих психологов о наличии нейронаучных знаний в содержании образования состоит в том, что нейронауки проникли во все сферы соционической подготовки и являются синергетическим компонентом для гуманитарных аспектов психологии человека.enПсихологія. Рsychology. ПсихологияНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииpublikatsii u WoScompulsory disciplinesacademic freedomelective coursesadditional coursespsychophysiological mechanismsneurobiologyneuropsychologyобов'язкові дисципліниакадемічна свободакурси за виборомдодаткові курсипсихофізіологічні механізминейробіологіянейропсихологіяобязательные дисциплиныакадемическая свободакурсы по выборудополнительные курсыпсихофизиологические механизмынейробиологиянейропсихологиязарубіжний досвідОсвіта. Педагогіка. Education. Pedagogy. Образование. ПедагогикаNeurophysiological aspects of natural science training of future psychologists in higher education institutions in Finland and SwedenArticle