Геращенко, Т. Г.Gerashchenko, T. H.2023-08-162023-08-162023Геращенко, Т. Г. Розвиток філософської науки в університетах Європи: ретроспективний аналіз / Геращенко Т. Г. // Інноваційна педагогіка. - 2023. - Вип. 60. - С. 95-99. - DOI https://doi.org/10.32782/2663-6085/2023/60.18.https://dspace.univd.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17874Розкрито особливості зародження науки у середньовічних університетах Західної Європи, специфіку авторських курсів з філософських дисциплін в університетах Швейцарії, Німеччини і Франції.The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of higher education in European countries. The evolution of university education in European countries is shown. The author dwells on the characteristics of the conditions under which European education developed. The influence of the scientific ideas of Ancient Greece and Rome on the problems of educational courses is noted. Attention is focused on the peculiarities of the emergence of the first universities in Europe: Italy (the first wave), England, France, Spain and Germany (the second wave), the countries of Central Europe (the third wave) and the specifics of teaching philosophical disciplines in them. The peculiarities of the introduction of the first scientific degrees, in particular at the University of Bologna, are characterized. The essence of the licentiate at the universities of Oxford and Heidelberg is considered. The author characterizes the peculiarities of the emergence of the scientific title "professor" in the medieval universities of Europe (XV–XVI centuries), in particular at Oxford University. The evolution and problems of university curricula in the Middle Ages are revealed. Focused attention on the problems of philosophy courses at universities. The features of author's courses in philosophical disciplines at the universities of Switzerland (University of Lucerne), Germany (Humboldt University of Berlin) and France (University of Paris) are considered. The author defines the peculiarities of educational courses in philosophical sciences at the Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany). Specific features of the study programs of the University of Lucerne (Switzerland) are specified. It is noted that author courses in philosophical sciences are taught at the humanities faculty of this university, which include a number of educational disciplines, in particular, philosophy, logic, sociology, ethnology, religious studies, political science, aesthetics. The focus is on the evolution of educational programs at the University of Paris (France). The author dwells on the essence of "scholarly disputes" during the so-called "disputations", peculiar exercises in eloquence in the study of philosophical disciplines. The peculiarities of author's courses in philosophical sciences (philosophy, logic, sociology, religious studies, aesthetics, psychology, metaphysics, epistemology) are analyzed.Раскрыты особенности зарождения науки в средневековых университетах Западной Европы, специфику авторских курсов по философским дисциплинам в университетах Швейцарии, Германии и Франции.ukретроспективний аналізretrospective analysisретроспективный анализвища освітаhigher educationвысшее образованиеуніверситетuniversityуниверситетавторські курсиauthor's coursesавторские курсыСередньовіччяMiddle AgesСредневековьефілософіяphilosophyфилософиятеологіяtheologyтеологияРозвиток філософської науки в університетах Європи: ретроспективний аналізThe development of philosophical science in European universities: retrospective analysisArticlehttps://doi.org/10.32782/2663- 6085/2023/60.18