Юртаєва, К. В.Yurtayeva, K. V.ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6096-2020ResearcherID: D-1818-20162016-12-132018-05-072016-12-132018-05-072016http://www.visnikkau.org/http://dspace.univd.edu.ua/xmlui/handle/123456789/1446Юртаєва, К. В. Проблеми та перспективи виконання в україні вироку міжнародної судової установи / К. В. Юртаєва // Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2016. - № 3 (14). - С. 99-109.У статті розглянуто генезис, зміст, умови та особливості виконання вироку міжнародної судової установи за кримінальним правом України. Виявлено недоліки КК України в питанні закріплення підстав і правил виконання вироку міжнародної судової установи і визначено шляхи їх усунення.Reform of the Criminal Code of Ukraine in the sphere of cooperation with international court institutions has been defined as an important condition for harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with the norms of European Union. Provisions on execution of sentences of international court institution under p. 4, the Article 10 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine has not been properly examined yet. The notion of international court institution has not been revealed in the text of the law. The author of the article has defined that according to the international law international court institutions include permanent and temporary international courts and tribunals. It has been prooved that Ukraine can execute sentences of only those international court institutions, which have proper conventional relationship with Ukraine. Analysis of the current conventional base of Ukraine has proved that the relative contractual relationship in Ukraine have been established only with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Apparently, only sentences of International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia can be executed under the p. 4, the Art. 10 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The author of the article has differentiated the provisions on execution of sentences of international court institution from transferring a person to such an institution. It has been defined that the appropriate provision is not enshrined in the norms of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, although Ukraine has undertaken relevant international obligations. The need of entering appropriate amendments to the Art. 10 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The author has determined some peculiarities of executing sentences of the International criminal court because of the perspective to ratify its Statute by Ukraine. The author has analyzed the problems of ratification of Rome statute of the International criminal court and criminal and legal consequences of claims filed by Ukraine to the International criminal court in the ad hoc mode in 2014 and 2015. The procedure and conditions of cooperation with the International criminal court in the sphere of executing sentences have been defined. Peculiarities of following the principle of double criminality, enshrined in p. 4, the Art. 10 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine while executing sentences of the international court institution have been analyzed. It has been proved that during the execution of sentences of an international court institution the definition of criminality of an action should be made considering the norms that were in force at the time of crime commission. At the same time, application of this provision does not contradict with the existence of some differences in qualification of such actions at the time of their commission. The author of the article has defined that promotion of cooperation with international court institutions demands fundamental revision of current provisions of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The author has concluded that cooperation of Ukraine in this sphere must be enlarged, in particular by ratification of Rome statute of the International criminal court with simultaneous notification on readiness of executing sentences of the International criminal court.В статье рассмотрено генезис, содержание, условия и особенности исполнения приговора международного судебного учреждения по уголовному праву Украины. Выявлены недостатки УК Украины в вопросе закрепления оснований и правил исполнения приговора международного судебного учреждения и определены пути их устранения.otherКримінальне право. Criminal Law. Уголовное правоНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииУкраїна. Ukraine. УкраинаМіжнародне право .International Law. Международное правовиконання вирокуміжнародна судова установаміжнародне співробітництво з кримінальний питаньМіжнародний трибунал для колишньої ЮгославіїМіжнародний кримінальний судexecution of sentencesinternational court institutioninternational cooperation on criminal mattersInternational Criminal Tribunal for the former YugoslaviaInternational criminal courtисполнение приговорамеждународное судебное учреждениемеждународное сотрудничество по уголовным вопросамМеждународный трибунал для бывшей ЮгославииМеждународный уголовный судПроблеми та перспективи виконання в Україні вироку міжнародної судової установиПроблемы и перспективы исполнения в Украине приговора международного судебного учрежденияIssues and perspectives of execution of the sentence of international court institution in UkraneArticle