Комзюк, А. Т.Komziuk, A. T.ORCID:Комзюк, М. А.Komziuk, M. A.ORCID:Липій, Є. А.Lypii, Ye. A.2023-01-262023-01-262022Комзюк, А. Т. Виконання адміністративних актів: новації прийнятого Закону «Про адміністративну процедуру» / Комзюк А. Т., Комзюк М. А., Липій Є. А. // Вчені записки ТНУ імені В. І. Вернадського. Сер.: Юридичні науки. – 2022. – Т. 33 (72), № 3. - С. 38-44. - DOIВизначено сутність виконання адміністративних актів, особливості його законодавчого регулювання у прийнятому Законі України «Про адміністративну процедуру». Проаналізовано розуміння поняття адміністративного акта в літературі та законодавстві, виділено його властивості. Виконання адміністративного акта визначено як здійснення, реалізація прийнятого рішення, яке у ньому викладено.The purpose of the scientific article is to determine the essence of the implementation of administrative acts, the peculiarities of its legislative regulation in connection with the adoption of the new Law «On Administrative Procedure». The essence of the execution of administrative acts, the peculiarities of its legislative regulation in the adopted Law of Ukraine “On Administrative Procedure” are determined. The understanding of the concept of administrative act in the literature and legislation is analyzed, its properties are highlighted: firstly, it is either a decision or a legally significant action of an individual nature, secondly, it is adopted (committed) by an administrative body within the framework of solving a specific case, that is, in the exercise of power and, thirdly, it is aimed at ensuring the realization of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities. The execution of an administrative act is defined as the implementation of the decision made, which is set out in it. It is noted that the execution of an administrative act is possible in various forms, it does not always mean the commission of any special actions by administrative bodies, because it depends on the content of the act, that is, what kind of decision is reflected in it. Several possible types (ways) of execution of administrative acts are distinguished: depending on the subject of its execution, the attitude of the obliged person to execution, the source of legal regulation of execution. The main attention is paid to the enforcement of administrative acts, the characteristics of measures of influence that can be applied by the administrative body to the obliged person, and guarantees of their application. The analysis of the norms of the Law of Ukraine “On Administrative Procedure” allows us to state several possible types (methods) of execution of administrative acts. First of all, depending on the subject, it may be executed by the administrative body that adopted the administrative act, by another administrative body to which the act is transferred for execution (for example, the State Executive Service), or by the person in whose favor the administrative act was adopted. The latter applies to cases when the implementation of an administrative act does not require additional actions of administrative bodies, which can also be considered as a criterion for selecting types of implementation. It is concluded that the adoption of the Law “On Administrative Procedure” was a significant event for the development of administrative and legal regulation of public relations. At the same time, many provisions of the Law on the execution of administrative acts require clarification, harmonization with other norms or systematic streamlining. Therefore, administrative law scholars are faced with the task of deeply understanding the content of this Law, its place among the sources of administrative law, as well as developing appropriate proposals and recommendations for its improvement.Определена сущность выполнения административных актов, особенности его законодательного регулирования в принятом Законе Украины "Об административной процедуре". Проанализировано понимание понятия административного акта в литературе и законодательстве, выделены его свойства. Выполнение административного акта определено как осуществление, реализация принятого решения, изложенного в нем.ukАдміністративне право та процес. Administrative Law and Procedure. Административное право и процессНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииУкраїна. Ukraine. Украинаадміністративна процедураadministrative procedureадминистративная процедураадміністративний актadministrative actадминистративный актвиконання адміністративного актаexecution of an administrative actисполнение административного актаВиконання адміністративних актів: новації прийнятого Закону «Про адміністративну процедуру»Execution of administrative acts: innovations of the adopted Law «On Administrative Procedure»Article