Nguindip, N. Ch.Mohilevskyi, L. V.Могілевський, Л. В.ORCID:, S. Ye.Абламський, С. Є.ORCID:, T. O.Кузубова, Т. О.ORCID: and the Rule of Law: A Cameroonian and Ukrainian Criminal Proceedings Law Understanding / Nana Charles Nguindip, Leonid Volodymyrovych Mohilevskyi, Ablamskyi Serhii Yevhenovych, Tetiana Kuzubova // Jurnal Cita Hukum (Indonesian Law Journal). - 2021. - Vol. 9, № 3. - P. 517-538. - DOI:Ця стаття встановлює, що єдиний спосіб дотримання верховенства права на стадії розслідування буде лише тоді, коли особи, відповідальні за розслідування, дотримуються належного процесуального права під час його розслідування, щоб їх дії не суперечили праву підозрюваного чи обвинуваченого.There is no instance in a given society that can successfully operate and function without respecting existing standards and principles set in place in ensuring the respect of fundamental human rights and dignity. Cameroon and Ukraine have engaged huge steps in establishing credible laws, all in the preservation and protection of the fundamental human right of those presumed of the crime commission. This article establishes that the only way the rule of law can be respected during the investigative stage, will only when those responsible for investigation respects the due process of the law in the course of its investigation so that them act should not contravene the right of the suspect or accused in question. It provides that when issues of investigation are carried out by Ukraine and Cameroon police, gross violations of the criminal process are always experienced, and this greatly affects the objective of criminal law is that of protecting the right and dignity of everyone irrespective of the status quo acquired during the criminal proceedings. The results of this gross violation of the accused rights and status during the investigative stage will affect the rationale and objective of the criminal law system which is to ensure that all criminal processes should respect human standards and dignity. The reason for this is that, during the investigative process and procedure, the law enforcement officers must be able in detaching their various duties assigned with due diligence and respect to the various criminal standards of investigation. To ensure that this is done, there is that need of those enforcing the judicial process and trial should that all evidence, searches, seizures, recording done by the investigative police officials should be done in accordance of the free will of the presumed criminal.Эта статья устанавливает, что единственный способ соблюдения верховенства права на стадии расследования будет только тогда, когда лица, ответственные за расследование, соблюдают надлежащее процессуальное право во время его расследования, чтобы их действия не противоречили праву подозреваемого или обвиняемого.enКримінально-процесуальне право. Criminal and Procedure Law. Уголовное процессуальное правоНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииУкраїна. Ukraine. Украинаpublikatsii u WoSinvestigative policepretrial proceedingsobservationrule of lawслідча поліціядосудове провадженняспостереженняверховенство правадосудебное расследованиенаблюдениезаконностьInvestigative and the Rule of Law: A Cameroonian and Ukrainian Criminal Proceedings Law UnderstandingArticle