Сіротов, О. А.Sirotov, O. A.2023-10-252023-10-252021Сіротов, О. А. Зарубіжний досвід правового регулювання робочого часу поліцейських / Сіротов О. А. // Науковий вісник публічного та приватного права. - 2021. - Вип. 6, т. 2. - С. 296-300. - DOI:https://doi.org/10.32844/2618-1258.2021.6.2.51.DOI https://doi.org/10.32844/2618-1258.2021.6.2.51https://dspace.univd.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18702Висвітлено особливості зарубіжного досвіду правового регулювання робочого часу працівників поліції та розглянуто можливості його використання в Україні.The relevance of the article lies in the fact that since the collapse of the Soviet Union, our state has emerged from the continuous influence of the Iron Curtain, gained independence and embarked on the path of development as a European state that recognizes the values of the countries of Europe and the West. The biggest achievement of this rather complex development process was the official registration and recognition of Ukraine on the international arena due to the signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. One of the main goals of the document is to strengthen cooperation between our state and the EU, in particular, through the exchange of experience in various fields. This gives Ukraine the opportunity to study the most relevant foreign approaches to the construction of domestic legal, political, economic and other institutions, assessing their perspective and relevance for implementation. Such an approach is effective not only in state-building processes, but also in scientific work, because the study of foreign experience on certain legal issues allows you to work out priority ways of improving the national legal system, as well as indirectly establish the possibility of the effective functioning of certain legal mechanisms, due to experimentation "at a distance". It is quite clear that many foreign countries have developed effective rules for establishing the working time regime of police officers, and an effective legal mechanism for its consolidation, therefore, given the presence of a wide range of problems of legal regulation of the working time of police officers of the National Police of Ukraine, it is relevant to study foreign experience on this issue and determining the possibility of its use on the territory of Ukraine. Based on the analysis of the experience of the United States of America, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Poland and Georgia, the peculiarities of the approaches of these states to the legal regulation of the working hours of police officers and ensuring their fundamental labor rights and freedoms are revealed. The specifics of each country's experience are compared and their differences are pointed out. Emphasis is placed on the positive aspects of foreign experience in the legal regulation of police working hours, and possibilities of its use in Ukraine are suggested.Отражены особенности зарубежного опыта правового регулирования рабочего времени работников полиции и рассмотрены возможности его применения в Украине.ukзарубіжний досвідforeign experienceзарубежный опытробочий часworking hoursрабочее времяполіцейськіpolice officersполицейскиеправове регулюванняlegal regulationправовое регулированиеЗарубіжний досвід правового регулювання робочого часу поліцейськихForeign experience of legal regulation of working hours of police officersArticlehttps://doi.org/10.32844/2618-1258.2021.6.2.51