Sirenko, K. O.Сіренко, К. О.Sirenko, K. O.2015-11-062018-05-072015-11-062018-05-072015, K.O. (2015), “The concept and nature of the service within prosecutor’s office in Ukraine”, [“Poniattia i sutnist sluzhby v orhanakh prokuratury Ukrainy”], Visnyk Kharkivskoho Natsionalnoho Universytetu Vnutrishnikh Sprav, No. 2, pp. 174-180.Сіренко, К. О. Поняття і сутність служби в органах прокуратури України // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2015. - № 2 (69). - С. 174-180.З’ясовано сутність поняття проходження служби в органах прокуратури України. Проведено детальний аналіз понять «служба» та «державна служба», на підставі якого висунуто авторське бачення визначення служби в органах прокуратури України.It is grounded that the regulation of the activities and essence of service within prosecutor’s office at the present stage of development of Ukrainian statehood is an essential pledge of human rights protection in relations with the state and other interests of the society. It is noted that consideration of the issue about service within prosecutor’s office in Ukraine is not possible without establishing the place of this agency in the system of state authorities, because the content of service within them is dependent on the association to these agencies. Determination of the place of prosecutor’s office in the system of the authorities is crucial for the perspectives of developing and improving service and legal relations. It is also noted that now it would be premature to consider prosecutor’s office of Ukraine as a fourth supervisory authority. It is established that in the present socio-economic conditions the only agency that could ensure the rule of law in our country is the prosecutor’s office. The place provided to it by the Constitution of Ukraine is not enough. It is stated that prosecutor’s office not belonging to the legislative, executive or judicial power, and not being any other independent branch of state power, at the same time has a specific role in the state mechanism, defined by historical traditions and experience, by the level of functioning of legal institutions and performance of their law enforcement tasks, by the needs of the society’s development.Выяснена сущность понятия прохождения службы в органах прокуратуры Украины. Проведён детальный анализ понятий «служба», «государственная служба», на основании которого выдвинуто авторское видение определения службы в органах прокуратуры Украины.otherАдміністративне право та процес. Адміністративна діяльність. Administrative Law and Procedure. Administrative Activity. Административное право и процесс. Административная деятельностьНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииУкраїна. Ukraine. Украинадержавна службаслужбапрокуратурапроходження службивладаstate serviceprosecutor’s officeservicepowerгосударственная службапрокуратурапрохождение службывластьПоняття і сутність служби в органах прокуратури УкраїниArticle