Лагодієнко, Д. О.Lahodiienko, D. O.2023-10-252023-10-252021Лагодієнко, Д. О. Особливості правового регулювання окремих етапів службової кар’єри поліцейських / Лагодієнко Д. О. // Науковий вісник публічного та приватного права. - 2021. - Вип. 6, т. 2. - С. 37-41. - DOI : https://doi.org/10.32844/2618-1258.2021.6.2.21.https://dspace.univd.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18699Виділено ключові етапи службової кар’єри поліцейських. Акцентовано увагу на відмінностях між службовою кар’єрою поліцейських від інших категорій працівників. Розкрито особливості правового регулювання окремих етапів службової кар’єри поліцейських.The relevance of the article lies in the fact that the career of each employee, regardless of the form of ownership of the enterprise, institution or organization in which he works, is individual and depends mostly on the actions and decisions of the individual. However, in some cases, the place of work itself determines the specifics of an employee’s career growth. A similar situation is typical for official and labor activities in the bodies and divisions of the National Police of Ukraine. The service career of police officers is combined with the performance of special labor duties, as well as many other features that exist at each stage of promotion and are reflected in the mechanism of its legal regulation. The article, based on the analysis of the scientific views of scientists and the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine, highlights the key stages of the service career of police officers. Attention is focused on the differences between the careers of police officers and other categories of employees. The peculiarities of the legal regulation of certain stages of the service career of police officers are disclosed. It was concluded that the regulation of the service career of police officers has a large number of features that are not inherent in the regulation of labor activities of other categories of employees and are expressed as follows: firstly, various stages of the service career of police officers are regulated by a special type of local legal acts – orders heads of bodies and divisions of the National Police; secondly, the departmental legal framework in the field of police work outlines the specific structure of the legal status of police officers, which provides for the presence of special ranks, length of service and, in a certain way, professionalism; thirdly, within the scope of his official career, a police officer is entrusted with a large array of official and labor duties provided for by general labor, special departmental legislation, as well as local by-laws in the field of police work, which establish vectors of activity of specific units and services National Police of Ukraine; fourthly, the beginning of a police officer’s service career is of a special nature, which involves mandatory initial training, as well as a person’s psychological and physical compliance with the workload of police service; fifth, special departmental legislation defines special guarantees of the professional work of police officers, which they have the right to freely use throughout their career; sixthly, regulations define special anti-corruption restrictions, the impact of which extends to police officers throughout their career.Выделены ключевые этапы служебной карьеры полицейских. Акцентировано внимание на отличиях между служебной карьерой полицейских от других категорий работников. Раскрыто особенности правового регулирования отдельных этапов служебной карьеры полицейских.ukслужбова кар’єраетапи службової кар’єриполіцейськіНаціональна поліція Україниправове регулюванняofficial careerstages of service careerpolice officersNational Police of Ukrainelegal regulationслужебная карьераэтапы служебной карьерыполицейскиеНациональная полиция Украиныправовое регулированиеОсобливості правового регулювання окремих етапів службової кар’єри поліцейськихPeculiarities of the legal regulation of certain stages of the service career of police officersArticlehttps://doi.org/10.32844/2618-1258.2021.6.2.21