Sazonov, V. V.Сазонов, В. В.2023-01-062023-01-062019, V. Subjects of criminological support for economic security of Ukraine / Vasyl Sazonov // Visegrad journal on human rights. – 2019. – № 5 (Vol. 1). – P. 133-137.Охарактеризовано суб’єктний компонент кримінологічного гарантування економічної безпеки України. Акцентовано увагу на відсутності чітко визначеного кола суб’єктів здійснення цієї діяльності, невизначеності їхніх завдань і функцій, розпорошеності за різними рівнями і відомствами.The current level of economic security in Ukraine is characterized as a low one. It is due to the presence of a large number of internal and external economic threats. Taking into account the basic nature of the economy, the author has stated the negative impact of the deterioration of the country’s economic security on all spheres of society’s activity. The subjects of ensuring economic security have been determined as one of the main elements in the structure of the mechanism of this activity. It is implemented by a rather broad range of institutions, individual branches of which operate in various sectors of the economy. These patterns of the functioning of the system of subjects in counteracting economic crime have been defined. The author has outlined their clear range, the main tasks and functions at different levels and departments as the basis for further elimination of differences and contradictions that create a certain negative imbalance in the successful counteraction to crime in this direction, which is the topical and relevant issue, the discussion aspects of which require further scientific research. Nowadays, there is a sufficiently large number of general and special subjects in combating economic crime in Ukraine. However, considering the significant branching of such agencies and persons according to different departments and levels, the author has determined a number of negative aspects, which are manifested in the inconsistency of their activities, gaps in regulatory, personnel, logistic provision, weakening of communicative, coordinating and controlling functions, non-specificity of tasks and uncertain ways of solving them. As a result, there is a high demand for the effectiveness of public administration and the law enforcement system. The author has emphasized that elimination of certain problems that arise in regard to the implementation of the functions entrusted to the subjects combating economic crime will allow them to be fully realized, by ensuring the protection of society, state and some citizens from criminal encroachments in the economic sphere. The author has summarized that the state faces the urgent issue on the necessity to develop a comprehensive strategy for combating economic crime in order to create organizational and legal principles for the activities of the subjects of criminological provision of Ukraine’s economic security and to remove systemic threats in this area in order to develop an effective mechanism for ensuring economic security of the country through consolidation of the efforts of all state and social institutions.Охарактеризован субъектный компонент криминологического обеспечения экономической безопасности Украины. Акцентировано внимание на отсутствии четко определенного круга субъектов осуществления этой деятельности, неопределенности их задач и функций, распыленности по разным уровням и ведомствам.ukКримінологія. Criminology. КриминологияНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииУкраїна. Ukraine. Украинакримінологічне забезпеченняcriminological supportкриминологическое обеспечениеекономічна безпекаeconomic securityэкономическая безопасностьбезпека підприємстваenterprise securityбезопасность предприятиясуб’єктиsubjectsсубъектыекономічне зростанняeconomic growthэкономический ростпротидія економічної злочинностіcombating economic crimeпротиводействие экономической преступностиpublikatsii u zarubizhnomu vydanniSubjects of criminological support for economic security of UkraineСуб’єкти кримінологічного забезпечення економічної безпеки УкраїниArticle