Малиновська, Т. М.Malynovska, T. M.ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7713-7617ResearcherID: I-7840-20162016-04-192018-05-072016-04-192018-05-072016http://dspace.univd.edu.ua/xmlui/handle/123456789/816Малиновська, Т. М. Попередження насильства над жінками в сім’ї / Т. М. Малиновська // Право і безпека. - 2016. - № 1 (60). - С. 117–120.Malynovska, T.M. (2016), “Preventing domestic violence against women” [“Poperedzhennia nasylstva nad zhinkamy v simi”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 1, pp. 117–120.Розглянуто поняття насилля в сім’ї, визначено чинники, що провокують насильство в сім’ї, акцентовано увагу на профілактиці насилля над жінками в сім’ї та запропоновано заходи щодо його попередження.The problem of domestic violence is very important especially because the family is the foundation of the society and must be under the special protection of the state. Violence and cruelty in the family destroy not only the harmony and concord in the family, but also act as one of the preconditions of crime in the society in general. A woman is more vulnerable to become a victim of domestic violence than a man, so the author of the scientific article paid attention to prevention of violence against women. The most common manifestations of violence suffered by women include: verbal abuse (swearing, instruction); psychological pressure (humiliation in the presence of strangers, bullying, gossip); physical violence (assault, threat to life); sexual coercion. The highest level of violence falls on older women and, most likely, not because they are more frequently than younger women experiencing violence, but because they are more aware of the concept of «violence». It should be noted that previous research of psychologists, sociologists and other experts, who study the problem of violence against women, indicates that even when women are exposed to violence, they do not always identify it as a manifestation of violence. Therefore, a priori one could argue that in fact the violence suffered by women is more often than they understand themselves. An effective way to overcome domestic violence is to achieve gender equality and to overcome gender stereotypes. An important factor is the openness, women should be informed about their rights and know the opportunities provided to victims of domestic violence.Рассмотрено понятие насилия в семье, определены факторы, провоцирующие насилие в семье, акцентировано внимание на профилактике насилия над женщинами в семье и предложены меры по его предупреждению.otherКримінологія. Criminology. КриминологияНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииУкраїна. Ukraine. Украинанасильство в сім’їжінкажертвапорушення прав людинипопередження насильства в сім’їdomestic violencewomanvictims of violenceprevention of domestic violenceviolation of human rightsfamily violenceнасилие в семьеженщинажертвапредупреждение насилия в семьенарушение прав человекаПопередження насильства над жінками в сім’їPreventing domestic violence against womenПредупреждение насилия над женщинами в семьеArticle