Chyzhmar, Yu.Orlovskyi, R.Kysylova, K.Bugaychuk, K. L.Бугайчук, К. Л.ORCID: I-5612-20162020-04-152020-04-152019 employment service: European approaches to providing electronic services / Yurii Chyzhmar, Kristina Rezvorovich, Ruslan Orlovskyi, Kostiantyn Buhaichuk // European Approaches to Providing Electronic Services: Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. - 2019. - Vol: 22. Issue: 6.Yurii Chyzhmar Y., Rezvorovich K., Orlovskyi R., Kysylova K., Buhaichuk K. State Employment Service: European Approaches to Providing Electronic Services. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. Research Article: 2019. Vol: 22. Issue: 6. URL:У статті висвітлюються питання надання державними органами зайнятості електронних послуг громадянам та роботодавцям щодо працевлаштування.The article covers issues related to provision of electronic services by state employment agencies to citizens and employers regarding employment and recruitment. In particular, peculiarities of online services implementation by workforce development agencies in different countries, such as Germany, France and Spain, were investigated. It also reveals the essence of the worldwide renowned indices EGDI and EPI, which determine the level of electronic government in any country in the world and provide relevant data of the last report on the level of e-government among the states. The content of the norms of the current Ukrainian legislation covering e-government issues, as well as modernization and development of the State Employment Service, including provision of innovative electronic services to the public and business is revealed. Main advantages of electronic services provided for jobseekers and employers by employment agencies of different countries are outlined. As a result of the undertaken analysis of contemporary approaches to provision of electronic services by employment agencies of foreign countries the possibility of introducing online services aimed at improving quality and minimizing time for customer service are suggested.В статье освещены вопросы, связанные с оказанием государственными органами занятости электронных услуг гражданам и работодателям по вопросам трудоустройства.otherНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииemployment serviceonline serviceelectronic office of the job seekerelectronic office of the employerelectronic queueemployer consultant instituteНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииУкраїна. Ukraine. УкраинаТрудове право. Право соціального забезпечення. Labor law. Law of social guaranteeing. Трудовое право. Право социального обеспеченияслужба зайнятостіслужба занятостиэлектронный кабинет работодателяелектронний кабінет роботодавцяелектронна чергаэлектронная очередьState employment service: European approaches to providing electronic servicesArticle