Луценко, Г. П.Дружиніна, В. В.Сосновська, Ю. Р.2020-03-022020-03-022019http://dspace.univd.edu.ua/xmlui/handle/123456789/6827Луценко, Г. П. Інтеграція осіб з обмеженими можливостями в суспільство: закордонний і вітчизняний досвід // Проблеми системного підходу в економіці: зб. наук. пр. – Київ: НАУ, 2019. –Вип. 1 (69). – Ч. 2. – С. 78-85.У статті досліджено та проаналізовано проблеми залучення осіб з обмеженими можливостями у суспільство. Визначено, що у світі більше одного мільярда людей страждають різними формами інвалідності. Це соціальний феномен, уникнути якого не може жодна країна. В Європі та світі вже досить давно діють закони і реабілітаційні програми, спрямовані на те, щоб усунути дискримінацію осіб з інвалідністю. В Україні, де для осіб з обмеженими можливостями створені не найкращі умови для життя, вкрай рідко порушуються питання, пов'язані з їх діяльністю та активним відпочинком. Таким чином, визначено проблеми освіти та працевлаштування, медичної та соціальної допомоги людям з інвалідністю, розглянуто поняття «інклюзивний туризм» та сформульовано заходи інтеграції осіб з обмеженими можливостями у суспільство на основі досвіду інших держав. In the article the problems of attraction of persons with disabilities in society are investigated and analyzed. It is estimated that in the world more than one billion people suffer from various forms of disability. This is a social phenomenon, which can not be avoided by any country. Persons with disabilities are a group of people who include people with disabilities because of the health features. Today there are quite a lot of such people. The study of disability legislation suggests that only 45 countries have laws against discrimination and other laws relating to people with disabilities. In Europe and in the world laws and rehabilitation programs aimed at eliminating discrimination against persons with disabilities have long been in force. Almost 80% of people with disabilities in Ukraine are people of working age. More than 2.6 million people in our country have the status of a person with a disability. This is 6.25% of the total population. Unfortunately, the number of people in this category is increasing every year. Recently, this is due to the situation in the country, which is formed in ATO, the majority of young people become disabled. In Ukraine, issues related to their activities and active rest, rarely rise. People with disabilities in Ukraine are still faced with neglect, prejudices and fears that during the history of mankind have been holding back the social development of this category of members of society and isolating them from it. Now, according to the recognition of the people with special physical needs, the attitude towards them from both the citizens and the state is noticeably improving. Although there are many barriers, the need to eliminate them is indisputable, which is an indispensable condition for the integration of such people into society. The following are the main barriers to the safe placement of people with disabilities on the territory of the city: physical barriers to movement, especially uneven surface; streets, sidewalks, which also restrict the efficient use of equipment (strollers, walkers) necessary for the movement of such people; the architecture of buildings, which does not correspond to the free movement of such a category of people; public and private means of communication, which equate absolutely all, do not distinguish such a category of people as people with disabilities, etc. Thus, the problems of education and employment, medical and social assistance to people with disabilities are defined, the concept of "inclusive tourism" is considered and measures of integration of people with disabilities into society are formulated based on the experience of other countries.otherінтеграціяособи з обмеженими можливостямиінклюзивний туризмінвалідністьреабілітаціясуспільствоintegrationpersons with disabilitiesinclusive tourismdisabilityrehabilitationsocietyІнтеграція осіб з обмеженими можливостями в суспільство: закордонний і вітчизняний досвідIntegration of persons with restricted opportunities to society: foreign and domestic experienceArticle