Греченко, В. А.Grechenko, V. A.ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6046-01782019-09-042019-09-042013http://dspace.univd.edu.ua/xmlui/handle/123456789/5716Греченко, В. А. Олександр Рейц як історик держави і права Київської Русі / В. А. Греченко // Право і безпека. - 2013. - № 2 (49). - С. 29-33.Розглянуто основні етапи наукової діяльності О. Рейца, досліджено його внесок у розробку різних аспектів історії держави та права Київської Русі, зокрема, в теорію «родового побуту», його погляди щодо форми правління, судової влади та судочинства Київської Русі.Alexander Magnus Fromhold von Reutz (1799–1862) is a historian of the Old Russian Law, teacher. It was one of the founders of Russian History of Law Science. His biography and some aspects of scientific activity were investigated by Diakonov, Lubavsky, Cheltsov-Bebutov, Derbin, Grinev, Stetsuk. But these researches had a fragmentary character, so as separate questions of Reutz’ scientific work were investigated. Therefore the aim of the article is to study the theoretical opinions research of Reutz that concerns History of State and Law of Kyiv Rus. The basic stages of vital and scientific way of the scientist are shortly described in the article. Main attention is devoted to his basic work of «Experience of Russian State and Civil Laws History» (1836). The succession and difference of Reutz’ opinions and his teacher Ewers – the pioneer of Russian History of Law Science researches are shown. Reutz fully perceived some Ewers’ theoretical positions in relation to the theory of «family way of life» and Norman’s Theory of State Origin in Rus. In the article Reutz’ opinions about the form of rule of Kyiv Rus are studied which he considered an unlimited monarchy and characterized it as an «allied state». The views of Reutz are also analysed in relation to the judicial power character of Great Kyiv Prince, the legitimacy of princess Olga rule (945–964), some questions of legal process in accordance to Russian True are investigated. The desire to expound further scientific development of the question about the scientific work of Reutz, the dissertation preparation or monographic research are presented in this theme. The materials of the article can be used during the educational process studying the theme «State and Law of Kyiv Rus», and also in reports preparation, control tasks, diploma works and dissertations.Рассмотрены основные этапы научной деятельности А. Рейца, исследован его вклад в разработку разных аспектов истории государства и права Киевской Руси, в частности, в теорию «родового быта», его взгляды относительно формы правления, судебной власти и судопроизводства Киевской Руси.otherДержава і право. State and Law. Государство и правоНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииУкраїна. Ukraine. УкраинаІсторія. History. ИсторияРейц О.Рейц А.Reutz A.Київська РусьКиевская РусьKievan Rusтеорія «родового побуту»теория «родового быта»theory of «family way of life»судочинствосудопроизводствоРуська правдаРусская ПравдаRussian TruthОлександр Рейц як історик держави і права Київської РусіAlexander Reutz as a historian of state and law of Kyiv RusАлександр Рейц как историк государства и права Киевской РусиArticle