Matiushkova, TetianaUstimenko, Olena2022-02-112022-02-112021Matiushkova T., Ustimenko O. Police Education: Experience of Ukraine // Law Enforcement Training – Good Practices of Bachelor and Master Level Education : Conference Proceedings. Editors Gábor Kovács Bence Mészáros. Hungarian Association of Police Science. Budapest, 2021. 56 p., P. 34-43 // the preconditions for Ukrainian police education integration into the European educational space are created in Ukraine. Thus, the conceptual principles of supportive state policy on usage of English in police education in Ukraine and an issue of equivalence of national scientific degrees in the European educational and scientific area are defined. Moreover, Declarations of Cooperation are signed with both educational institutions of European countries and international organizations, such as OSCE, EUROPOL, EUAM, AEPC, CEPOL, etc. Furthermore, the innovative information technologies have been widely used during the educational process (creation of electronic educational publications, distance learning, online courses). Also, the modern police officers’ training in higher education institutions with specific learning conditions in Ukraine has been characterized by: 1) involvement of current law enforcement officers in binary classes, including field lessons; 2) active use of training approaches and best European practices in conducting certain investigative (search) actions, investigation of different types of crimes, communication, etc.; 3) use of court broadcasts in law classes; 4) cadets’, students’, lecturers’ participation in visits, exchange programs, educational courses and study practices in educational police institutions and police units of European countries; 5) organizing webinars and joint scientific events with European scholars; 6) implementation of advanced techniques and crime prevention practices in educational activity (Custody Records, POLINA, electronic proceedings, training of patrol police officers, detectives, community police officers, etc.), and many others. Combination of practical and theoretical approaches, implementation of multimedia, software, interactive complexes, digital forensic equipment into education enhance the level of knowledge and develop professional skills of Ukrainian police officers in order to successful and effective crime prevention and criminal investigation.en-USPolice educationPolice Education: Experience of UkraineArticle