Вінакова, Т. А.Vinakova, T. A.2024-05-172024-05-172015Вінакова, Т. А. Оперативно-розшукова характеристика придбання майна, одержаного злочинним шляхом / Т. А. Вінакова // Вісник Луганського держаного університету внутрішніх справ ім. Е. О. Дідоренка. – 2015. - № 3(71). - С. 260-269.https://dspace.univd.edu.ua/handle/123456789/21130У результаті проведеного дослідження з’ясовано складові елементи оперативно-розшукової характеристики придбання майна, одержаного злочинним шляхом. Розроблено критерії, за якими можливо класифікувати осіб, які придбавають майно, одержане злочинним шляхом, установлено їх характерні риси.The study found components of operational characteristics of purchase of property obtained by crime. The criteria which may be classified persons who acquire property from crime found their characteristic features. Established that the concept of operational characteristics is the subject of scientific debate for many years. However, until now the theory of operational activities not only produced a constructive solution of this category. The main reason is so unfortunate situation is the lack of understanding of the role of official operational characteristics, including the value of its criminological characteristics of crimes. As OSC in general, and operational-investigative characteristics of crimes can not be regarded as separate categories outside the main task of preventing and investigating crimes, the realization of which science directly assigned to criminology as a science of the laws of the mechanism of a crime, the emergence of information about the crime and its participants, patterns collection, research, evaluation and use of evidence-based knowledge and these laws special methods and means of judicial investigation and prevention of crime. It is proved that the most common scene of the acquisition of property obtained by crime are: trade area – 45%; jewelery and antique shops – 33%; train stations, roadside motels – 13%; pawn shop fee – 5%; taxi drivers, drivers of regular buses, truckers etc. – 4%. Ways of acquiring property from crime vary depending on the type of property and persons specified fence (depending on whether it is a business entity). Yes, expensive as audio, video equipment often buy getting a copy of the passport of the person selling or other third parties; jewelry, antiques, works of art and painting buy without documents or with false documents. Determined that special attention should be persons who acquire the following assets from crime: gold jewelry, expensive as stones, works of art, cultural and historical values. This is due to the fact that people in this category 78% have higher education, intellectually developed at a high level and committing criminal activities, after carefully planning every detail, with forged documents or counterfeit copies of things, sometimes people refer to these officials and persons with high incomes who are collectors of various kinds of items.В результате проведенного исследования установлено составляющие элементы оперативно-розыскной характеристики приобретение имущества, полученного преступным путем. Разработаны критерии, по которым можно классифицировать лиц, приобретающих имущество, полученное преступным путем, установлено их характерные черты.ukпридбання майна, одержаного злочинним шляхомпідрозділи карного розшукуоперативно-розшукова характеристикасуб’єктacquisition of property crimecriminal investigation departmentsoperational and investigative characteristicsubjectприобретение имущества, полученного преступным путемподразделения уголовного розыскаоперативно-розыскная характеристикасубъектОперативно-розшукова характеристика придбання майна, одержаного злочинним шляхомTracking characteristic acquisition of property crimeОперативно-розыскная характеристика приобретения имущества, полученного преступным путемArticle