Кріцак, І. В.Kritsak, I. V.Іван Кріцак2022-09-192022-09-192022Кріцак, І. В. Методологічні концепти розвитку кримінологічної науки у світлі духовно-ціннісної складової та міждисциплінарних зв'язків: ситуативно-регіоналістський вимір / Кріцак Іван Васильович // Право.ua. - 2022. - № 2. - С. 112-126. - DOI: 10.32782/LAW.UA.2022.2.15.http://dspace.univd.edu.ua/xmlui/handle/123456789/14040Досліджено методологічні концепти боротьби зі злочинністю крізь призму ситуативно-регіоналістського підходу у руслі подальшого розроблення кримінотеології, як окремого напряму кримінологічної науки з огляду на духовно-ціннісну концепцію праворозуміння.The formation of the paradigm of criminological doctrine took place in the bosom of sociology, the initial positivist message of which determined the features of the process of its formation as a specialized fi eld of knowledge. Separation of criminology into an independent branch in a very short historical time, - this is only the 60th anniversary of its founding and formation as a science, at the same time, the demand for practical recommendations formed in society the idea of it mainly as an applied discipline. Today, in order to, so to speak, “the infl ux of new blood” the establishment of its interdisciplinary status as the most generalizing theoretical and practical science and academic discipline of the criminal law cycle, there is a need for such a rethinking from the standpoint of the spiritual and value component. The problem of the ratio of spiritual and rational knowledge, development of new research methods in line with the ethno-competence characteristics of the regional level of counteraction and combating crime in a situational approach, as well as forecasts and strategies of criminological security, which are updated in the article from the standpoint of practical signifi cance, necessitates further theoretical development of this problem in line with the formation of criminotheology. The introduction of organizational and managerial, innovative mechanisms to combat crime will contribute to the development of the foundations of law enforcement in society from criminogenic threats of today based on spiritual and value priorities. In these processes, an important task is to monitor various areas of scientifi c and practical activities to identify these criminogenic challenges. The ability to manage the criminogenic situation and its protection from internal and external contradictions are fundamental methodological principles. The importance of developing this problem is due to the need to form a new spiritual and philosophical paradigm (criminotheology), rhetoric and ideology of combating crime, which involves, in particular, a departure from the use of force and the commitment to a real solution to confl icts and problems, which will contribute to the overall security against criminal encroachment. Under such conditions, an important task is to further the development of the spiritual and value concept of legal understanding within the framework of criminology, which would be based on the social orientation and functioning of the state, the key idea of which is to “serve” the neighbor, the people, society, which is the highest mission on earth from the standpoint of scripture and sacred tradition, the legal basis of the constitutional level, the true rule of law, which needs its appropriate consolidation as the highest legal and social value and benefi t for the proper functioning of social relations.Исследованы методологические концепты борьбы с преступностью сквозь призму ситуативно-регионалистского подхода в русле дальнейшей разработки криминотеологии как отдельного направления криминологической науки с учетом духовно-ценностной концепции правопонимания.ukКримінологія. Criminology. КриминологияНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикациикримінологічна наукаcriminological scienceкриминологическая наукапротидія злочинностіcrime preventionпротиводействие преступностидуховно-ціннісна складоваspiritual and valuable componentдуховно-ценностная составляющаякримінотеологіякриминотеологияміждисциплінарний статусinterdisciplinary statusмеждисциплинарный статусситуативно-регіоналістський підхідsituational regionalist approachситуативно-регионалистский подходМетодологічні концепти розвитку кримінологічної науки у світлі духовно-ціннісної складової та міждисциплінарних зв'язків: ситуативно-регіоналістський вимірArticlehttps://doi.org/10.32782/LAW.UA.2022.2.15http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3530-4269