Протидія порушенням законності в діяльності міліції УСРР у 1920-ті роки





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Право і Безпека. - 2016. - № 2 (61). - С. 24–31


Розглянуто деякі негативні аспекти в діяльності міліції в радянській Україні в період нової економічної політики – хабарництво та зловживання владою. Проаналізовано причини цього явища. Розглянуто конкретні випадки виявів корупції та спроби протидії їй.
It is noted that the history of the Soviet militia – is not only the history of crime combating, where the militia acted as an active fighter against criminals. It is also the history of combating abuse in their own ranks, which began with the formation of the Soviet militia. This problem has become significant acute in the 1920s with the implementation of the New Economic Policy (NEP), the proliferation of commodity and money relations, serious socio-economic conditions and low living standards caused by the destruction of the First World War and the Civil War. Crime combating within the ranks of the militia was relevant in the coming years and now is the same. To overcome it – is an important task of establishing a new police in Ukraine. Despite the relevance this topic is not popular. It was considered inappropriate to focus on crime within the police force. The author has systematized the material on this topic; has considered some of the negative aspects of the militia activities of the Soviet Ukraine during the period of the NEP – bribery and power abuse; has analyzed the causes of this phenomenon. The author has studied the most resonant cases concerning the abuse by the militia officers during this period – «Kherson Case», «Kiev Case», measures that were taken regarding the perpetrators out of the militia. The author has also demonstrated the attitude of the militia leading staff to the causes of these phenomena and the measures taken to overcome them. Some statistics on crime among militia officers have been provided. It has been summarized that violations of the law by militia officers in 1920s were quite common and very serious problem, but this phenomenon was struggled, quite strict measures even the death sentence were used to the violators. But to overcome these negative effects within the militia activities failed, which was due to a number of objective factors such as low level of general culture, difficult financial situation, lack of work with personnel.
Рассмотрены некоторые негативные аспекты в деятельности милиции в советской Украине в период новой экономической политики – взяточничество и злоупотребление властью. Проанализированы причины этого явления. Рассмотрены конкретные случаи проявлений коррупции и попытки противодействия ей.


Греченко, В. А. Протидія порушенням законності в діяльності міліції УСРР у 1920-ті роки / В. А. Греченко // Право і Безпека. - 2016. - № 2. - С. 24-31.
Греченко В. А. "Протидія порушенням законності в діяльності міліції УСРР у 1920-ті роки." Право і Безпека 2 (2016): 24-31.
Grechenko, V.A. (2016), “Combating legality violations within militia activities of Ukrainian SSR in 1920s” [“Protydiia porushenniam zakonnosti v diialnosti militsii USRR u 1920-ti roky”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 2, pp. 24–31.

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