Насильство над населенням у районі воєнних дій: генезис кримінально-правової заборони у вітчизняному законодавстві













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Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2016. - № 2 (13). - С. 223-232


Проаналізовано джерела й пам’ятки кримінального права України за період із XVI по ХХІ ст. На основі вивчення законодавства Литовської доби, Гетьманщини, періоду перебування України у складі Російської імперії та Радянсь­кого Союзу розглянуто розвиток кримінально­правової заборони насильницьких дій військовослужбовців щодо цивільного населення.
The norm of the Art. 433 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine “Violence against the Population in the Military Operations Area” establishes liability for the violence, illegal destruction of property and its taking under the intention of military necessity committed against the population in the military operational area, as well as robbery committed against the population. One of the elements of criminal and legal characteristics of the mentioned crime is social conditionality of implementation and existence of its criminal and legal prohibition within the domestic legislation. Its research covers a number of factors, including the study of the origin and development (genesis) of regulations on liability for such acts within the domestic criminal law. Criminal and legal characteristics of the mentioned crime has not yet become the subject of independent research. Only few authors considered it within the problems of criminal liability for related crimes. However, legal experience of previous eras in the sphere of combating high­handed military actions against civilians during hostilities by criminal and legal means has not been analyzed yet. By using historical and comparative method, the objective of the publication is to highlight the issues of the origin and development (genesis) within domestic criminal legislation of the regulations on liability for violence against the population in military operations areas. Sources and artifacts of criminal law of Ukraine for the period from the XVI to XXI century have been analyzed. On the basis of studying the legislation of Lithuania era (Second and Third Lithuanian Statutes), Hetman era, the law Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, legislation of the period of Ukraine being within Russian Empire (Military Articles of 1715, Field Criminal Code of 1812, Military Regulations on Punishment of 1869) and the Soviet Union (Criminal Code of Ukrainian SSR of 1922, Criminal Code of Ukrainian SSR of 1927, Criminal Code of Ukrainian SSR of 1960) the author has studied the development of criminal and legal prohibition of military violence against civilians. It was found out that it had been existing in different legal and technical performance within criminal law of Ukraine for more than four centuries. Therefore, the historical tradition of prohibition of violence against the population in the military operations area can be included to the determinants of criminalization of acts under the Art. 433 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Historical experience indicates that the crime was considered by legislators as a form of looting for a long time, and only in the middle of the XX century, it was finally allocated into a separate corpus delicti. Besides, based on studying the genesis of the mentioned criminal and legal prohibition we can argue that national legislators have not properly used the heritage of the lawyers of the past concerning full description of the features of the corpus delicti of the violence against the population in the military operations area.
Проанализированы источники и памятки уголовного права Украи­ны за период с XVI по ХХІ в. На основании детального изучения законо­дательства Литовского периода, Гетманщины, периода нахождения Украины в составе Российской империи и Советского Союза рассмотрено развитие уголовно­-правового запрета насильственных действий воен­нослужащих в отношении гражданского населения.


Мухамеджанова, А. Р. Насильство над населенням у районі воєнних дій: генезис кримінально-правової заборони у вітчизняному законодавстві / Аліна Равілівна Мухамеджанова // Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2016. - № 2 (13). - С. 223-232.

Ключові слова

Кримінальне право. Criminal Law. Уголовное право, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, кримінально-­правова заборона, військові злочини, насильство над населенням, район воєнних дій, Історія. History. История, criminal and legal prohibition, war crimes, development of criminal legislation, violence against the population, military operations area., уголовно-­правовой запрет, воинские преступления, военные преступления, насилие над населением, район военных действий

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