Еволюція становлення поняття "сім'я" та "шлюб" у системі політико-правової думки: історико-правовий аналіз






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Європейські перспективи. - 2018. - № 4. – С. 105-112


Досліджено становлення та трансформації сутнісного розуміння таких понять, як «сім’я» та «шлюб» у системі політико-правової думки. Відзначено, що визначення понять «шлюб» і «сім’я» значно змінювалося з плином часу, що було викликано змінами, які відбуваються в суспільстві і державі.
The scientifi c article is devoted to the study of the formation and transformation of the essential understanding of such concepts as “family” and marriage in the system of political and legal thought. Based on a comprehensive analysis, it concluded that the defi - nition of “marriage” and “family” has changed signifi cantly over time, due to changes in society and the state. The concepts of “marriage” and “family” have two aspects - sociological and legal. To determine marriage and the family in the sociological sense, a great role played by the personal relations of the subjects of marriage and the family, which hardly regulated by law and taken into account in determining marriage and family in the legal sense. In marriage, you can conditionally distinguish between different groups of relationships: spiritual, physical and material. Spiritual and physical relations arising in marriage cannot regulated by law due to their peculiarities, established imperatively, and sanctions for their violation established. Religion, considering marriage as a sacrament, tried to infl uence the personal relations of the spouses by the norms of church law. The existing view that marriage is an institution of a special kind, because it corresponds to the moral nature of man, his ethical ideas, does not take into account the fact that depending on the development of society and its individual subjects, ethical views change. Each person, being an individual, has his own system of values, in which there are ethical ideas. Each society has its own system of norms of morality and morality, which may differ from those existing in other societies and which may change over time. Considering marriage as a contract, it should be noted that such a defi nition became possible only with the adoption of new legislation on marriage and family, which allows participants in marital relations to regulate almost all aspects of family life independently, and if it is impossible to use dispositive legislation. Existing restrictions protect some entities from the dishonesty of others, which is fully consistent with the rules of civil law. For the historical and legal framework until the XXI century characterized by direct state intervention in marital and family relations, in the private life of citizens. This expressed, inter alia, in the imperative norms governing this area of life. In the early 1990s, there were signifi cant changes in the country and, consequently, in legislation.
Исследовано становление и трансформация сущностного понимания таких понятий, как «семья» и «брак» в системе политико-правовой мысли. Отмечено, что определение понятий «брак» и «семья» значительно изменялось с течением времени, что было вызвано происходящими в обществе и государстве изменениями.


Шевченко, Д. А. Еволюція становлення поняття "сім'я" та "шлюб" у системі політико-правової думки: історико-правовий аналіз / Шевченко Дмитро Анатолійович // Європейські перспективи. - 2018. - № 4. – С. 105-112.

Ключові слова

Держава і право. State and Law. Государство и право, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Історія. History. История, Цивільне право. Civil Law. Гражданское право, історико-правовий аналіз, historical and legal analysis, историко-правовой анализ, шлюб, marriage, брак, сім’я, family, семья, сімейні відносини, family relationships, семейные отношения, політико-правова думка, political and legal opinion, политико-правовая мысль

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