Окремі аспекти змісту шлюбного договору як правового регулятора відносин подружжя за законодавством України
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Держава та регіони. Серія: Право. – 2021. – № 3 (73). – С. 40-45
Досліджено допустимість та необхідність регулювання окремих відносин на
рівні шлюбного договору як правового регулятора відносин подружжя за законодавством України. Визначено, що обмеження щодо недопустимості надзвичайно невигідного матеріального становища учасника шлюбного договору, що виникає у зв’язку із укладенням договору, не має бути безпосередньою підставою для визнання договору недійсним, а мають застосовуватись загальні підстави визнання правочинів недійсними: вчинення їх під впливом помилки, обману, насильства, тяжкої обставини.
The article examines the admissibility and necessity of regulating certain relations at the level of the marriage contract as a legal regulator of marital relations under the laws of Ukraine. According to the family law, spouses, parents of the child, parents and children may regulate their relations by agreement (contract), laws and moral principles of society. Given the nature of the marriage contract and the legal restrictions that determine its terms, and the principle of freedom of contract, it is determined that certain restrictions on the prohibition of personal non-property relations are unjustified. It is noted that the real law enforcement practice of personal non-property relations are closely related to the property relations of the spouses. Based on this, it is proposed to recognize the admissible regulation of certain aspects of the exercise and provision of personal non-property rights, personal relationships, if they can directly affect the property rights of the spouses. In particular, the marriage contract will establish the conditions of property and personal non-property nature, the circumstances of the woman’s right to conceive a child, a pregnant wife to create conditions in the family to preserve her health and give birth to a healthy child, and the wife-mother to create family conditions for combining motherhood with the implementation of the relevant stipulated by the marriage contract. These provisions can be important guarantees for a woman to ensure the right to motherhood in the most difficult periods of her family life, eliminate the need to prove the amount of appropriate monetary compensation if it is established by the parties to the marriage contract, or prevent disputes in this matter. When it comes to property rights, a woman should be provided with monetary maintenance, stipulating the needs for which a woman will consider that her personal nonproperty and property needs related to the content of the relevant right are met. It is determined that the restriction on the inadmissibility of extremely unfavorable financial position of the party to the marriage contract, arising in connection with the conclusion of the contract should not be a direct basis for invalidating the contract, but should apply the general grounds for invalidation of transactions: violence, difficult circumstances.
Исследована допустимость и необходимость регулирования отдельных отношений на уровне брачного договора как правового регулятора отношений супругов по законодательству Украины. Определено, что ограничение по недопустимости чрезвычайно невыгодного материального положения участника брачного договора, возникающее в связи с заключением договора, не должно быть прямым основанием для признания договора недействительным, а должны применяться общие основания признания сделок недействительными: совершение их под влиянием ошибки, обмана , насилия, тяжкого обстоятельства.
The article examines the admissibility and necessity of regulating certain relations at the level of the marriage contract as a legal regulator of marital relations under the laws of Ukraine. According to the family law, spouses, parents of the child, parents and children may regulate their relations by agreement (contract), laws and moral principles of society. Given the nature of the marriage contract and the legal restrictions that determine its terms, and the principle of freedom of contract, it is determined that certain restrictions on the prohibition of personal non-property relations are unjustified. It is noted that the real law enforcement practice of personal non-property relations are closely related to the property relations of the spouses. Based on this, it is proposed to recognize the admissible regulation of certain aspects of the exercise and provision of personal non-property rights, personal relationships, if they can directly affect the property rights of the spouses. In particular, the marriage contract will establish the conditions of property and personal non-property nature, the circumstances of the woman’s right to conceive a child, a pregnant wife to create conditions in the family to preserve her health and give birth to a healthy child, and the wife-mother to create family conditions for combining motherhood with the implementation of the relevant stipulated by the marriage contract. These provisions can be important guarantees for a woman to ensure the right to motherhood in the most difficult periods of her family life, eliminate the need to prove the amount of appropriate monetary compensation if it is established by the parties to the marriage contract, or prevent disputes in this matter. When it comes to property rights, a woman should be provided with monetary maintenance, stipulating the needs for which a woman will consider that her personal nonproperty and property needs related to the content of the relevant right are met. It is determined that the restriction on the inadmissibility of extremely unfavorable financial position of the party to the marriage contract, arising in connection with the conclusion of the contract should not be a direct basis for invalidating the contract, but should apply the general grounds for invalidation of transactions: violence, difficult circumstances.
Исследована допустимость и необходимость регулирования отдельных отношений на уровне брачного договора как правового регулятора отношений супругов по законодательству Украины. Определено, что ограничение по недопустимости чрезвычайно невыгодного материального положения участника брачного договора, возникающее в связи с заключением договора, не должно быть прямым основанием для признания договора недействительным, а должны применяться общие основания признания сделок недействительными: совершение их под влиянием ошибки, обмана , насилия, тяжкого обстоятельства.
Єніна, Л. В. Окремі аспекти змісту шлюбного договору як правового регулятора відносин подружжя за законодавством України / Л. В. Єніна // Держава та регіони. Серія: Право. – 2021. – № 3 (73). – С. 40-45. - DOI :https://doi.org/10.32840/1813-338X-2021.3.7.
Ключові слова
Цивільне право. Civil Law. Гражданское право, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, шлюбний договір, marriage contract, брачный договор, договірне врегулювання, contractual settlement, договорное урегулирование, особисті немайнові права, personal non-property rights, личные неимущественные права, сімейні правовідносини, family legal relations, семейные правоотношения