Intercultural Competence Development at Universities
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Postmodern Openings. – 2021. – Vol. 12, Issue 1, Supl. 1. – P. 200-214
Розглянуто деякі особливості розвитку міжкультурної компетентності у рамках мови та культури.
Показано специфіку розвитку міжкультурної компетенції, включаючи мовну компетенцію, лінгвокультурну компетенцію. Визначено компоненти розвитку міжкультурної компетентності: знання іноземних мов, знання культури та базові навички спілкування.
The aim of the paper is to identify and describe some specifics of intercultural competence development at the tertiary level in the framework of language and culture. Different views on intercultural competence development in higher education are presented as well as intercultural competence development in different countries and many scholars’ points of views. The results show certain specifics of intercultural competence development including linguistic competence, linguistic and cultural competence, as well as the components of intercultural competence development: the knowledge of foreign languages, cultural background knowledge, and basic soft skills. It is stated that knowing foreign languages, understanding the national culture of the target language, and having universal soft skills are necessary for successful intercultural competence development. Some soft skills are developed too, such as: tolerance, a sense of responsibility for one’s actions, the ability to empathy, understanding and acceptance of a foreign culture, the ability and desire to understand the difference and unity of one’s culture and the country culture of a target language, a sense of adequate and friendly perception of a foreign language and its realities. It is concluded that it is important to know a theory and have a practice for intercultural competence development and intercultural communication, since a foreign language, culture can only be acquired through activities. As for the specifics of intercultural competence development at the tertiary level in national universities, an indirect character of its development and patterning during intercultural communication are characterized.
Рассмотрены некоторые особенности развития межкультурной компетентности в рамках языка и культуры. Показана специфика развития межкультурной компетенции, включая языковую компетенцию, лингвокультурную компетенцию. Определены компоненты развития межкультурной компетентности: знание иностранных языков, знание культуры и базовые навыки общения.
The aim of the paper is to identify and describe some specifics of intercultural competence development at the tertiary level in the framework of language and culture. Different views on intercultural competence development in higher education are presented as well as intercultural competence development in different countries and many scholars’ points of views. The results show certain specifics of intercultural competence development including linguistic competence, linguistic and cultural competence, as well as the components of intercultural competence development: the knowledge of foreign languages, cultural background knowledge, and basic soft skills. It is stated that knowing foreign languages, understanding the national culture of the target language, and having universal soft skills are necessary for successful intercultural competence development. Some soft skills are developed too, such as: tolerance, a sense of responsibility for one’s actions, the ability to empathy, understanding and acceptance of a foreign culture, the ability and desire to understand the difference and unity of one’s culture and the country culture of a target language, a sense of adequate and friendly perception of a foreign language and its realities. It is concluded that it is important to know a theory and have a practice for intercultural competence development and intercultural communication, since a foreign language, culture can only be acquired through activities. As for the specifics of intercultural competence development at the tertiary level in national universities, an indirect character of its development and patterning during intercultural communication are characterized.
Рассмотрены некоторые особенности развития межкультурной компетентности в рамках языка и культуры. Показана специфика развития межкультурной компетенции, включая языковую компетенцию, лингвокультурную компетенцию. Определены компоненты развития межкультурной компетентности: знание иностранных языков, знание культуры и базовые навыки общения.
Intercultural Competence Development at Universities / Liudmyla Holubnycha, Ilona Kostikova, Natalia Soroka, Tetiana Shchokina, Inna Golopych // Postmodern Openings. – 2021. – Vol. 12, Issue 1, Supl. 1. – P. 200-214. - DOI:
Holubnycha, L., Kostikova, I., Soroka, N., Shchokina, T., & Golopych, I. (2021). Intercultural Competence Development at Universities. Postmodern Openings, 12(1Sup1), 200-214.
Holubnycha, L., Kostikova, I., Soroka, N., Shchokina, T., & Golopych, I. (2021). Intercultural Competence Development at Universities. Postmodern Openings, 12(1Sup1), 200-214.
Ключові слова
Освіта. Педагогіка. Education. Pedagogy. Образование. Педагогика, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, університет, university, университет, студенти, students, студенты, міжкультурна компетентність, intercultural competence, межкультурная компетентность, іноземна мова, foreign language, иностранный язык, культурне походження, cultural background, культурный фон, Мова. Мовознавство. Літературознавство. Language. Linguistics. History and Criticism of Literature. Язык. Языкознание. Литературоведение