Криміналістична характеристика особи, яка пропонує, обіцяє або надає неправомірну вигоду
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Юридична наука. - 2019. - № 9 (99). - С. 129-143
Розглянуто характеристику особи, яка пропонує, обіцяє або надає
неправомірну вигоду і їх зв’язок з особою, яка отримує пропозицію, обіцянку неправомірної вигоди або неправомірну вигоду. Наголошено, що важливе значення для криміналістичного вчення про особу злочинця має з’ясування структури. Це необхідно, передусім, для визначення кола обставин,
що характеризують особу злочинця, котрі мають кримінально-правове,
кримінально-процесуальне, виправно-трудове i кримінологічне значення,
тому підлягають з’ясуванню під час розслідування та судового розгляду
кримінальної справи, а також у процесі виконання покарання.
The urgency of the study to determine the characteristics of the person who offers, promises or provides illegal benefits and their relationship with the person who receives the offer, the promise of illegal benefit or illegal benefit of forming a forensic methodology of investigating the proposal, promise or illegal benefit 369 of the Criminal code of Ukraine is explained by the following considerations. Proposals, promises or misappropriations are considered “corruption crimes” and, accordingly, corruption in Ukraine is recognized as one of the significant threats to national security. The purpose of the article is to clarify the characteristics of the person who offers, promises or provides illegal benefits and their relationship with the person who receives the offer, the promise of illegal benefits or illegal benefits. It is emphasized that it is important for the forensic doctrine of the identity of the offender to clarify the structure. This is necessary, first of all, to determine the range of circumstances that characterize the identity of the offender, which have criminal-legal, criminal-procedural, correctional-labor and criminological significance, therefore subject to clarification during the investigation and trial of a criminal case. execution of punishment. The methodological significance of the forensic study of the identity of the offender is to obtain the necessary data for the successful detection of the crime, the selection and application of the most effective tactics, making the offender the necessary educational influence. In addition, without taking into account the individual can not choose the right tactics for individual investigative actions. Indications of the identity of the probable offender are the data that forensics draws from the criminological characteristics of the crime. The article is devoted to the characteristics of the personality of those who commit such corruption crimes as an offer, a promise or the provision of an unlawful benefit (provided for by Article 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). Regulatory legal acts, forensic scientific literature are studied, as well as an analysis of judicial practice. It is stated that the study conducted allows us to assert that in the relevant period, a typical person making an offer, promise or provision of an unlawful benefit is characterized by a combination of such properties - a citizen of Ukraine, male, married, with higher education, does not work and has no previous convictions.
Рассмотрена характеристика личности совершающих такие коррупционные преступления, как предложение, обещание либо предоставление неправомерной выгоды (предусмотрены ст. 369 УК Украины). Констатировано, что в соответствующий период, типичное лицо, совершающее предложение, обещание или предоставление неправомерной выгоды характеризуется совокупностью таких свойств - гражданин Украины, мужского пола, женат, с высшим образованием, не работает и ранее не судимый.
The urgency of the study to determine the characteristics of the person who offers, promises or provides illegal benefits and their relationship with the person who receives the offer, the promise of illegal benefit or illegal benefit of forming a forensic methodology of investigating the proposal, promise or illegal benefit 369 of the Criminal code of Ukraine is explained by the following considerations. Proposals, promises or misappropriations are considered “corruption crimes” and, accordingly, corruption in Ukraine is recognized as one of the significant threats to national security. The purpose of the article is to clarify the characteristics of the person who offers, promises or provides illegal benefits and their relationship with the person who receives the offer, the promise of illegal benefits or illegal benefits. It is emphasized that it is important for the forensic doctrine of the identity of the offender to clarify the structure. This is necessary, first of all, to determine the range of circumstances that characterize the identity of the offender, which have criminal-legal, criminal-procedural, correctional-labor and criminological significance, therefore subject to clarification during the investigation and trial of a criminal case. execution of punishment. The methodological significance of the forensic study of the identity of the offender is to obtain the necessary data for the successful detection of the crime, the selection and application of the most effective tactics, making the offender the necessary educational influence. In addition, without taking into account the individual can not choose the right tactics for individual investigative actions. Indications of the identity of the probable offender are the data that forensics draws from the criminological characteristics of the crime. The article is devoted to the characteristics of the personality of those who commit such corruption crimes as an offer, a promise or the provision of an unlawful benefit (provided for by Article 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). Regulatory legal acts, forensic scientific literature are studied, as well as an analysis of judicial practice. It is stated that the study conducted allows us to assert that in the relevant period, a typical person making an offer, promise or provision of an unlawful benefit is characterized by a combination of such properties - a citizen of Ukraine, male, married, with higher education, does not work and has no previous convictions.
Рассмотрена характеристика личности совершающих такие коррупционные преступления, как предложение, обещание либо предоставление неправомерной выгоды (предусмотрены ст. 369 УК Украины). Констатировано, что в соответствующий период, типичное лицо, совершающее предложение, обещание или предоставление неправомерной выгоды характеризуется совокупностью таких свойств - гражданин Украины, мужского пола, женат, с высшим образованием, не работает и ранее не судимый.
Гончарук, Г. О. Криміналістична характеристика особи, яка пропонує, обіцяє або надає неправомірну вигоду / Гончарук Г. О. // Юридична наука. - 2019. - № 9 (99). - С. 129-143.
Ключові слова
Криміналістика. Criminalistics. Криминалистика, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, Кримінологія. Criminology. Криминология, криміналістична характеристика, forensic characteristics, криминалистическая характеристика, особа, яка пропонує, обіцяє або надає неправомірну вигоду, особа злочинця, person of the criminal, личность преступника, криміналістична методика, forensic technique, криминалистическая методика, корупційні злочини, corruption crimes, коррупционные преступления