До характеристики форм та способів захисту трудових прав громадян, які працюють дистанційно
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Юридична наука. - 2019. - № 7 (97). - С. 395-401
Визначено та охарактеризовано ключові способи захисту трудових
прав громадян, які працюють дистанційно. Констатовано, що форми захисту трудових прав громадян представляють собою зовнішній практичний вираз діяльності держави в особі її уповноважених органів та їх посадових осіб, який спрямовано на
реалізацію заходів із забезпечення, захисту та охорони трудових прав досліджуваної категорії працівників.
The relevance of the article is that one of the key elements of legal regulation of protection of labor rights of citizens who work remotely are specific forms and methods of legal regulation, which means the implementation of legal norms. In fact, it is in the forms and methods that the latter find their expression and implementation, which, in turn, necessitates the study of the concept and types of both categories. The article summarizes the general theoretical approaches to the essence and content of the concepts of form and methods. It is stated that the forms of protection of labor rights of citizens are an external practical expression of the state in the person of its authorized bodies and their officials, which is aimed at implementing measures to ensure, protect and protect labor rights of the studied category of workers. Based on the analysis of scientific views of scientists, key ways to protect the labor rights of citizens who work remotely are identified and characterized. It is concluded that ways to protect the labor rights of citizens who work remotely include: 1) the implementation of legal requirements by formally appealing to the management of the enterprise, institution and organization about the violation and the need to restore the violated labor rights of the remote worker; 2) substantiated by law refusal to perform the duties assigned to the remote worker in case of non-fulfillment by the employer of obligations for stable and full payment of wages, forced to work not provided for in the employment contract, gross violation of labor protection legislation; 3) official appeal of the remote worker to the authorized administrative or judicial bodies in order to protect their labor rights; 4) exercising supervision and control over the implementation of labor legislation by authorized state authorities, in particular, in relation to remote workers, by exercising administrative powers, such as inspections, interactions, cooperation with law enforcement agencies in case of more serious offenses, etc.; 5) restoration of the violated labor law by judicial bodies by issuing a court decision.
Определены и охарактеризованы ключевые способы защиты трудовых прав граждан, работающих дистанционно. Констатировано, что формы защиты трудовых прав граждан представляют собой внешнее практическое выражение деятельности государства в лице его уполномоченных органов и их должностных лиц, направленное на реализацию мер по обеспечению, защите и охране трудовых прав исследуемой категории работников.
The relevance of the article is that one of the key elements of legal regulation of protection of labor rights of citizens who work remotely are specific forms and methods of legal regulation, which means the implementation of legal norms. In fact, it is in the forms and methods that the latter find their expression and implementation, which, in turn, necessitates the study of the concept and types of both categories. The article summarizes the general theoretical approaches to the essence and content of the concepts of form and methods. It is stated that the forms of protection of labor rights of citizens are an external practical expression of the state in the person of its authorized bodies and their officials, which is aimed at implementing measures to ensure, protect and protect labor rights of the studied category of workers. Based on the analysis of scientific views of scientists, key ways to protect the labor rights of citizens who work remotely are identified and characterized. It is concluded that ways to protect the labor rights of citizens who work remotely include: 1) the implementation of legal requirements by formally appealing to the management of the enterprise, institution and organization about the violation and the need to restore the violated labor rights of the remote worker; 2) substantiated by law refusal to perform the duties assigned to the remote worker in case of non-fulfillment by the employer of obligations for stable and full payment of wages, forced to work not provided for in the employment contract, gross violation of labor protection legislation; 3) official appeal of the remote worker to the authorized administrative or judicial bodies in order to protect their labor rights; 4) exercising supervision and control over the implementation of labor legislation by authorized state authorities, in particular, in relation to remote workers, by exercising administrative powers, such as inspections, interactions, cooperation with law enforcement agencies in case of more serious offenses, etc.; 5) restoration of the violated labor law by judicial bodies by issuing a court decision.
Определены и охарактеризованы ключевые способы защиты трудовых прав граждан, работающих дистанционно. Констатировано, что формы защиты трудовых прав граждан представляют собой внешнее практическое выражение деятельности государства в лице его уполномоченных органов и их должностных лиц, направленное на реализацию мер по обеспечению, защите и охране трудовых прав исследуемой категории работников.
Соіч, О. В. До характеристики форм та способів захисту трудових прав громадян, які працюють дистанційно / Соіч О. В. // Юридична наука. - 2019. - № 7 (97). - С. 395-401.
Ключові слова
Трудове право. Право соціального забезпечення. Labor law. Law of social guaranteeing. Трудовое право. Право социального обеспечения, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, захист трудових прав, protection of labor rights, защита трудовых прав, дистанційна робота, remote work, дистанционная работа, правові форми, legal forms, правовые формы, правове регулювання, legal regulation, правовое регулирование