Проблеми визначення та характеристики договору оренди нежитлових приміщень, будівель, споруд
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Право і безпека. – 2017. – № 1 (64). – С. 103-109
Проаналізовано та визначено спеціальну цивілістичну категорію, розглянуто характеристики
окремих видів договору оренди. Встановлено зв’язок між учасниками договорів та правове
регулювання останніх. Проаналізовано поняття «будівля», «споруда», «нежитлове приміщення» залежно від мети використання та встановлено співвідношення цих категорій.
The author has analyzed and determined the special civil law category, has considered the characteristics of the contract for the lease of non-residential premises, buildings, structures, that is one of the most common agreements between the subjects of civil legal relations. The need for its research is due to the fact that the contract for the lease of non-residential premises, buildings, structures is singled out as an independent type of the contract for the lease and has its own concept that can be formulated through a broader definition of “the contract for the lease” and will provide an opportunity to get the characteristics of special categories concerning certain types of the contract for the lease, including the contract for the lease of non-residential premises, buildings, structures. Based on the conducted research the author has suggested two models of the contract for the lease of non-residential premises, buildings, structures according to legal nature: 1) binding model that relates the contract for the lease of non-residential premises, buildings, structures exclusively with the law of obligations (applicable to this contract, if it is signed up to three years term); 2) a comprehensive model that considers the contract for the lease of non-residential premises, buildings, structures as a complex formation of the law of obligations and property law (applicable to this contract, if it is signed for a term not less than three years). The author has formed the position on the allocation of the concepts of “building”, “construction”, “non-residential premises” according to the purpose of usage and according to the standards for the construction. Herewith the non-residential premises are the element of a broader category – buildings. Common features for buildings, constructions, nonresidential premises are the relationship with the land plot; they are constructions.
Проанализировано и определено специальную цивилистическую категорию, рассмотрены характеристики отдельных видов договора аренды. Установлена связь между участниками договоров и правовое регулирование последних. Проанализированы понятия «здание», «сооружение», «нежилое помещение» в зависимости от цели использования и установлено соотношение этих категорий.
The author has analyzed and determined the special civil law category, has considered the characteristics of the contract for the lease of non-residential premises, buildings, structures, that is one of the most common agreements between the subjects of civil legal relations. The need for its research is due to the fact that the contract for the lease of non-residential premises, buildings, structures is singled out as an independent type of the contract for the lease and has its own concept that can be formulated through a broader definition of “the contract for the lease” and will provide an opportunity to get the characteristics of special categories concerning certain types of the contract for the lease, including the contract for the lease of non-residential premises, buildings, structures. Based on the conducted research the author has suggested two models of the contract for the lease of non-residential premises, buildings, structures according to legal nature: 1) binding model that relates the contract for the lease of non-residential premises, buildings, structures exclusively with the law of obligations (applicable to this contract, if it is signed up to three years term); 2) a comprehensive model that considers the contract for the lease of non-residential premises, buildings, structures as a complex formation of the law of obligations and property law (applicable to this contract, if it is signed for a term not less than three years). The author has formed the position on the allocation of the concepts of “building”, “construction”, “non-residential premises” according to the purpose of usage and according to the standards for the construction. Herewith the non-residential premises are the element of a broader category – buildings. Common features for buildings, constructions, nonresidential premises are the relationship with the land plot; they are constructions.
Проанализировано и определено специальную цивилистическую категорию, рассмотрены характеристики отдельных видов договора аренды. Установлена связь между участниками договоров и правовое регулирование последних. Проанализированы понятия «здание», «сооружение», «нежилое помещение» в зависимости от цели использования и установлено соотношение этих категорий.
Морозова Ю. В. Проблеми визначення та характеристики договору оренди нежитлових приміщень, будівель, споруд / Ю. В. Морозова // Право і безпека. – 2017. – № 1 (64). – С. 103-109.
Морозова Ю. В. "Проблеми визначення та характеристики договору оренди нежитлових приміщень, будівель, споруд." Право і Безпека 1 (2017): 103-109.
Morozovа, Yu.V. (2017), “Problems of determining and characterizing the contract for the lease of non-residential premises, buildings, structures” [“Problemy vyznachennia ta kharakterystyky dohovoru orendy nezhytlovykh prymishchen, budivel, sporud”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 1, pp. 103–109.
Морозова Ю. В. "Проблеми визначення та характеристики договору оренди нежитлових приміщень, будівель, споруд." Право і Безпека 1 (2017): 103-109.
Morozovа, Yu.V. (2017), “Problems of determining and characterizing the contract for the lease of non-residential premises, buildings, structures” [“Problemy vyznachennia ta kharakterystyky dohovoru orendy nezhytlovykh prymishchen, budivel, sporud”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 1, pp. 103–109.
Ключові слова
Цивільне право. Civil Law. Гражданское право, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, оренда будівель, цивільно-правове регулювання, нежитлові приміщення, споруди, правова регламентація, стандарти будівництва, оренда нежитлових будівель, майно, земельна ділянка, tenancy, contract, usage, holder, building, non-residential premises, buildings, industry affiliation, legal regulation, standards of construction, land plot, property, здание, будівлі, аренда, гражданско-правовое регулирование, нежилые помещения, сооружения, отраслевая принадлежность, правовая регламентация, стандарты строительства, земельный участок, имущество