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Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. – 2017. – № 4 (79). - С.280-286


Запропоновано класифікацію житла за такими критеріями: 1) за призначенням (постійне, тимчасове проживання); 2) за планово-технічною конструкцією; 3) за рівнем комфорту та соціальної спрямованості; 4) за видами житлових фондів. Визначено також види житла згідно з відповідною класифікацією житлового фонду.
The urgency of the topic of establishing the types of housing is due to the fact that none of the regulatory act does not contain a clear definition of the types of housing, in particular, a complete classification of housing according to its possible types has not been established. The lack of a unified approach to the types of housing makes it impossible to establish the legal regime of a particular housing at the legislative level. The author has offered the classification of housing according to the following criteria: 1) by designation; 2) according to planned and technical construction; 3) by the level of comfort and social orientation; 4) according to the type of housing stock. Housing by designation is divided into permanent and temporary. Permanent housing is a dwelling that is suitable and intended for permanent residence of a person. Temporary housing is a dwelling intended for a person to reside for a term up to one year and has minimum eligibility conditions that ensure the safe residence of a person. Housing according to planned and technical construction is divided into residential buildings, parts of residential buildings, apartments, residential premises. Commercial and social housing are called as types of housing according to the level of comfort and social orientation. Commercial housing is a dwelling with a high level of comfort, due to the size of the living space, housing design, location, infrastructure level. Social housing is a dwelling that meets architectural and planning, technical norms and sanitary-hygienic requirements established by the state building norms for such housing, and that is suitable for living. The types of housing have been also determined in accordance with the relevant classification of the housing stock.
Предложена классификация жилья по следующим критериям: 1) по назначению (постоянное, временное проживание) 2) по планово-технической конструкции; 3) по уровню комфорта и социальной направленности; 4) по видам жилищных фондов. Определены также виды жилья согласно соответствующей классификации жилого фонда.


Аврамова, О. Є. Види житла / О. Є. Аврамова // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. – 2017. – № 4 (79). - С.280-286.
Avramova, O.Ye. (2017), “Types of housing” [Vydy zhytla], Visnyk Kharkivskoho Natsionalnoho Universytetu Vnutrishnikh Sprav, No. 4, pp. 280–286.

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