Система протидії злочинності: поняття та сутність

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Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2015. - № 2 (10). - С. 168-177.


Статтю присвячено дослідженню системи протидії злочинності, її сутнісних ознак та порівнянню із суміжними категоріями. Визначено місце цього поняття серед кримінологічних категорій.
The article is devoted to the research of the system of counteracting crime, its essential features and comparison with adjacent categories, including “crime prevention”, “control over crime”, “criminological security”. It is stressed that the counteraction crime is a specific branch of social management, where its multilevel nature is the most important feature. It is reflected in particular in the fact that it consists of addressing the causes of crime in general, causes of some of its varieties, as well as the causes and conditions of specific crimes. It is revealed that counteraction crime is carried out both in the process of solving common problems of social and economic development, and in the course of realizing special and criminological measures. The process of combating crime consists of the interaction between various of its subjects, among them – the authorities and management, law enforcement agencies, administrations of enterprises and institutions, NGOs and individuals. The hierarchy of objectives that the system of combating crime is facing is studied; thus it is found out that the most important goal is early prevention of crimes. The authors talk about preventing unfavorable formation of a personality that is even the possibility of forming criminogenic personal qualities. Thus, factors of criminal behavior are eradicated at the beginning of their formation. It is proved that the concept of “counteraction crime” is a collective, comprehensive and at the individual level includes prevention measures, prevention and suppression of crime. It is established that these types of criminological influence is functionally even closer to law enforcement activity because it is related to such stages of the mechanism of criminal behavior, as the decision-making to commit a crime, its planning, preparation and execution of the decision. It is concluded that as a crime is always a process that is developed in the time, the main way to prevent it is to intervene in the process timely and to prevent its development. The main difference between these activities is in time distance of their realization from the fact of a crime’s commission, as well as the degree of intensity and dynamic of use. Consequently, the use of the term “counteraction crime” makes it possible to reflect the totality of the state, society and citizens’ activity to prevent crimes. That is the reason for using the term “counteraction” in recent years not only in science but also in legislative activity.
Статья посвящена исследованию системы противодействия преступности, ее сущностных признаков и сравнению со смежными категориями. Определено место этого понятия в системе криминологических категорий.


Бандурка, О. М. Система протидії злочинності: поняття та сутність/ О. М. Бандурка, О. М. Литвинов // Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2015. - № 2 (10). - С. 168-177.
Бандурка О. М., Литвинов О. М. "Система протидії злочинності: поняття та сутність." Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України 2 (2015): 168-177.




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