Становлення банківської системи в Україні: історико-правовий аспект (друга половина ХІХ – початок ХХ століття)
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Прикарпатський юридичний вісник. - 2018. - Вип. 2 (23), т. 4. - С. 194-198
Надано комплексний аналіз еволюції банківської діяльності на українських територіях у другій половині XVIII – початку XX століття. Встановлено, що банківська система – це
історично-сформована і законодавчо закріплена форма організації діяльності спеціалізованих кредитних установ. Виявлено закономірність, що банківська система Російської імперії не була самоврядною системою, а її структура формувалася урядом, шляхом визначення окремих рамок діяльності банківських та прирівняних до них установ.
The scientific article is devoted to a research of formation of a banking system in Ukraine in the second half of XIX – the beginning of the XX century through historical and legal aspect. By the author it is established that the banking system is historically developed and the form of the organization of activity of specialized credit institutions is legislatively fixed. The legislation of the studied period did not contain a definition of a concept “banks” or “banking institution” and in scientific works of the studied period of its definition at the scientific level is also absent. Considering the modern phenomena about essence of this definition, it possible to draw a conclusion that the financial system at the time of the Russian Empire identified a large number of institutions from classical understanding of banking institution proceeding from the fact that functions, similar to bank activity, are inherent in such establishment. It is revealed regularity that the banking system of the Russian Empire was not the self-coping system, and its structure was formed by the government, way of definition of a separate framework of activity of the bank and equated to them institutions. By results of the conducted complex research the conclusion is drawn that all types of the bank and equated to them on legal status credit institutions were about objects implementation of the state supervision. This control was the most rigid rather public banking institutions, and least – rather private institutions in spite of the fact that in general it is necessary to recognize efficiency of bank control and supervision as insufficient. During the studied period there was a process of increase in number and types of credit institutions connected with adoption of new acts and improvement of legal regulation credit and banking system, but result of such activity that was guided by creation of a complete banking system. It noted that process of formation of a banking system remained incomplete owing to such circumstances as: lack of the uniform systematized legislation, existence of numerous quantity legislative and bylaws which ambiguously governed legal relations in the sphere of implementation of bank activity; a considerable range of public authorities of representatives directly or indirectly to carry out control and supervising functions.
Представлен комплексный анализ эволюции банковской деятельности на украинских территориях во второй половине XVIII – начале XX века. Установлено, что банковская система – это исторически сложившаяся и законодательно закрепленная форма организации деятельности специализированных кредитных учреждений. Выявлена закономерность, что банковская система Российской империи не являлась самоуправляющейся системой, а ее структура формировалась правительством путем определения отдельных рамок деятельности банковских и приравненных к ним учреждений.
The scientific article is devoted to a research of formation of a banking system in Ukraine in the second half of XIX – the beginning of the XX century through historical and legal aspect. By the author it is established that the banking system is historically developed and the form of the organization of activity of specialized credit institutions is legislatively fixed. The legislation of the studied period did not contain a definition of a concept “banks” or “banking institution” and in scientific works of the studied period of its definition at the scientific level is also absent. Considering the modern phenomena about essence of this definition, it possible to draw a conclusion that the financial system at the time of the Russian Empire identified a large number of institutions from classical understanding of banking institution proceeding from the fact that functions, similar to bank activity, are inherent in such establishment. It is revealed regularity that the banking system of the Russian Empire was not the self-coping system, and its structure was formed by the government, way of definition of a separate framework of activity of the bank and equated to them institutions. By results of the conducted complex research the conclusion is drawn that all types of the bank and equated to them on legal status credit institutions were about objects implementation of the state supervision. This control was the most rigid rather public banking institutions, and least – rather private institutions in spite of the fact that in general it is necessary to recognize efficiency of bank control and supervision as insufficient. During the studied period there was a process of increase in number and types of credit institutions connected with adoption of new acts and improvement of legal regulation credit and banking system, but result of such activity that was guided by creation of a complete banking system. It noted that process of formation of a banking system remained incomplete owing to such circumstances as: lack of the uniform systematized legislation, existence of numerous quantity legislative and bylaws which ambiguously governed legal relations in the sphere of implementation of bank activity; a considerable range of public authorities of representatives directly or indirectly to carry out control and supervising functions.
Представлен комплексный анализ эволюции банковской деятельности на украинских территориях во второй половине XVIII – начале XX века. Установлено, что банковская система – это исторически сложившаяся и законодательно закрепленная форма организации деятельности специализированных кредитных учреждений. Выявлена закономерность, что банковская система Российской империи не являлась самоуправляющейся системой, а ее структура формировалась правительством путем определения отдельных рамок деятельности банковских и приравненных к ним учреждений.
Подолян, Ю. О. Становлення банківської системи в Україні: історико-правовий аспект (друга половина ХІХ – початок ХХ століття) / Подолян Ю. О. // Прикарпатський юридичний вісник. - 2018. - Вип. 2 (23), т. 4. - С. 194-198.
Ключові слова
Держава і право. State and Law. Государство и право, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Історія. History. История, Фінансове право. Бюджетне право. Банківське право. Financis Law. Budget Law. Banking Law. Финансовое право. Бюджетное право. Банковское право, історико-правовий аналіз, historical and legal analysis, историко-правовой анализ, банківська система, banking system, банковская система, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, банківська діяльність, banking activity, банковская деятельность, кредитні установи, credit institutions, кредитные учреждения, правове регулювання, legal regulation, правовое регулирование