Психологічні чинники готовності поліцейських до інновацій у діяльності Національної поліції України : автореферат дисертації
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У дисертації здійснено теоретичний аналіз та емпіричне вивчення
проблеми психологічної готовності працівників поліції до інновацій у
професійній діяльності. Психологічну готовність працівників поліції до
інноваційної діяльності розглянуто як налаштованість поліцейських на активну поведінку із впровадження інновацій у професійну діяльність, що базується
на усвідомленні корисності і доцільності відповідних нововведень, та
забезпечується комплексом психологічних чинників, серед яких особистісна та
діяльнісна рефлексія, саморегуляція та самоуправління, стратегії долаючої
поведінки та проактивні копінги, психологічна ресурсність.
Визначено факторну структуру психологічної готовності до інноваційної
діяльності у поліцейських з різним її рівнем. Розроблено комплексний тренінг
для працівників поліції середньої ланки, спрямований на удосконалення цієї
The dissertation deals with theoretical analysis and empirical study of the problem of psychological readiness of police officers to innovate in their professional activities. Psychological readiness of police officers to innovate is considered as the configurability of policemen to engage in active behaviour in the implementation of innovations in professional activity, based on the awareness of the usefulness and appropriateness of relevant innovations, and provided by a complex of psychological factors, including personality and activity reflection, self-regulation and selfmanagement, strategies of coping behaviour and proactive copings, psychological resourcefulness. The components of the psychological readiness of police officers to innovate at the following levels are determined: cognitive (theoretical knowledge in the field of legal innovation), emotional value (acceptance of innovation as personal value, conviction in the need to work in the innovative mode and responsibility for the results of their work) practical skills in the use of innovative techniques, methods, tools, police technologies). Psychological technologies for the development of the law enforcement officers’ psychological readiness for innovative activity as well as provisions regarding the specificity of such psychological factors of law enforcers’ readiness for innovative activity such as personality and activity reflection, self-regulation and selfmanagement, coping strategies, proactive coping, psychological resourcefulness, have been further developed. It has been established empirically that a high level of PRIA is reflected in a greater manifestation of the reflection of the information base of activity, a reflection of decision-making and goal setting, a lower expression of introspection, as well as an increase in the components of the PRIA, which occurs with the improvement of the reflection components, and weakening introspection and quasi-reflection. It is determined that a high level of PRIA is manifested in a greater ability to create a subjective model of the situation, to adequately assess and control the course and results of activities, to make rapid changes to the system of self-regulation and self-management, and in that with increasing self-regulatory flexibility, all components of PRIA are increasing. acquires greater advantages with the improvement of modeling processes and increasing independence, the readiness for change increases with the development of the ability to evaluate the course and results of actions, the ability for self-management is more involved in the functioning of the PRIA, whose growth occurs with the development of numerous units of selfmanagement. An empirical study of coping strategies has found that high levels of PRIA find expression in the tendency to seek more instrumental support, use assertive actions, social contact, and preventive and reflective coping; in updating the components of the PRIA with enhanced productive coping strategies and the inhibition of counterproductive coping strategies. It is established that a high level of PRIA is characterized by a greater severity of a number of psychological resourcefulness components that reflect openness to relationships and the ability to support others; focus on creative solutions to situations that necessitate adaptation; the belief that justice is one of the core characteristics of one’s personality; the desire to develop certain qualities that will help fully unlock their own potential, as well as the actualization of PRIA, which occurs with the strengthening of numerous components of psychological resourcefulness. The factor structure of PRIA in police officers with different levels is determined. In the first group three factors were identified, in the second group - five, in the third group - four factors, which indicate the degree of integration of the studied phenomena, which was the largest in the first group. In police officers with high levels of PRIA, updating of components of PRIA is accompanied by an increase in constructive psychological characteristics. In the second group, the components of PRIA become more pronounced not only with the improvement of constructive psychological characteristics, but also with the growth of psychological manifestations that are non-constructive in nature, and with the decrease of those qualities that reflect the humanistic orientation of the personality. In police officers with a low level of PRIA, its functioning is accompanied by both an increase and a weakening of constructive psychological characteristics, which may indicate the some uncriticality in understanding oneself as a carrier of innovation, as well as an increase in the contribution of non-constructive psychological factors. Based on the empirical data obtained in the study, a comprehensive training for middle-level police officers was developed to optimize psychological readiness for innovative activity. Training is recommended to be conducted within the framework of advanced training of mid-level police officers, taking into account the specific nature of the contingent and the possibility of appropriate specification of its contents.
В диссертации осуществлен теоретический анализ и эмпирическое изучение проблемы психологической готовности сотрудников полиции к инновациям в профессиональной деятельности. Психологическая готовность сотрудников полиции к инновационной деятельности рассмотрена как настроенность полицейских на активное поведение по внедрению инноваций в профессиональную деятельность, основанную на осознании полезности и целесообразности соответствующих нововведений, и обеспечивающуюся комплексом психологических факторов, среди которых личностная и деятельностная рефлексия, саморегуляция и самоуправление, стратегии преодолевающего поведения и проактивный копинг, психологическая ресурсность. Определена факторная структура психологической готовности к инновационной деятельности у полицейских с разным ее уровнем. Разработан комплексный тренинг для сотрудников полиции среднего звена, направленный на совершенствование этой характеристики.
The dissertation deals with theoretical analysis and empirical study of the problem of psychological readiness of police officers to innovate in their professional activities. Psychological readiness of police officers to innovate is considered as the configurability of policemen to engage in active behaviour in the implementation of innovations in professional activity, based on the awareness of the usefulness and appropriateness of relevant innovations, and provided by a complex of psychological factors, including personality and activity reflection, self-regulation and selfmanagement, strategies of coping behaviour and proactive copings, psychological resourcefulness. The components of the psychological readiness of police officers to innovate at the following levels are determined: cognitive (theoretical knowledge in the field of legal innovation), emotional value (acceptance of innovation as personal value, conviction in the need to work in the innovative mode and responsibility for the results of their work) practical skills in the use of innovative techniques, methods, tools, police technologies). Psychological technologies for the development of the law enforcement officers’ psychological readiness for innovative activity as well as provisions regarding the specificity of such psychological factors of law enforcers’ readiness for innovative activity such as personality and activity reflection, self-regulation and selfmanagement, coping strategies, proactive coping, psychological resourcefulness, have been further developed. It has been established empirically that a high level of PRIA is reflected in a greater manifestation of the reflection of the information base of activity, a reflection of decision-making and goal setting, a lower expression of introspection, as well as an increase in the components of the PRIA, which occurs with the improvement of the reflection components, and weakening introspection and quasi-reflection. It is determined that a high level of PRIA is manifested in a greater ability to create a subjective model of the situation, to adequately assess and control the course and results of activities, to make rapid changes to the system of self-regulation and self-management, and in that with increasing self-regulatory flexibility, all components of PRIA are increasing. acquires greater advantages with the improvement of modeling processes and increasing independence, the readiness for change increases with the development of the ability to evaluate the course and results of actions, the ability for self-management is more involved in the functioning of the PRIA, whose growth occurs with the development of numerous units of selfmanagement. An empirical study of coping strategies has found that high levels of PRIA find expression in the tendency to seek more instrumental support, use assertive actions, social contact, and preventive and reflective coping; in updating the components of the PRIA with enhanced productive coping strategies and the inhibition of counterproductive coping strategies. It is established that a high level of PRIA is characterized by a greater severity of a number of psychological resourcefulness components that reflect openness to relationships and the ability to support others; focus on creative solutions to situations that necessitate adaptation; the belief that justice is one of the core characteristics of one’s personality; the desire to develop certain qualities that will help fully unlock their own potential, as well as the actualization of PRIA, which occurs with the strengthening of numerous components of psychological resourcefulness. The factor structure of PRIA in police officers with different levels is determined. In the first group three factors were identified, in the second group - five, in the third group - four factors, which indicate the degree of integration of the studied phenomena, which was the largest in the first group. In police officers with high levels of PRIA, updating of components of PRIA is accompanied by an increase in constructive psychological characteristics. In the second group, the components of PRIA become more pronounced not only with the improvement of constructive psychological characteristics, but also with the growth of psychological manifestations that are non-constructive in nature, and with the decrease of those qualities that reflect the humanistic orientation of the personality. In police officers with a low level of PRIA, its functioning is accompanied by both an increase and a weakening of constructive psychological characteristics, which may indicate the some uncriticality in understanding oneself as a carrier of innovation, as well as an increase in the contribution of non-constructive psychological factors. Based on the empirical data obtained in the study, a comprehensive training for middle-level police officers was developed to optimize psychological readiness for innovative activity. Training is recommended to be conducted within the framework of advanced training of mid-level police officers, taking into account the specific nature of the contingent and the possibility of appropriate specification of its contents.
В диссертации осуществлен теоретический анализ и эмпирическое изучение проблемы психологической готовности сотрудников полиции к инновациям в профессиональной деятельности. Психологическая готовность сотрудников полиции к инновационной деятельности рассмотрена как настроенность полицейских на активное поведение по внедрению инноваций в профессиональную деятельность, основанную на осознании полезности и целесообразности соответствующих нововведений, и обеспечивающуюся комплексом психологических факторов, среди которых личностная и деятельностная рефлексия, саморегуляция и самоуправление, стратегии преодолевающего поведения и проактивный копинг, психологическая ресурсность. Определена факторная структура психологической готовности к инновационной деятельности у полицейских с разным ее уровнем. Разработан комплексный тренинг для сотрудников полиции среднего звена, направленный на совершенствование этой характеристики.
Волуйко, О. М. Психологічні чинники готовності поліцейських до інновацій у діяльності Національної поліції України: автореф. дис. ... канд. психол. наук : 19.00.06 / О. М. Волуйко, МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. - Харків, 2019. - 23 с.
Ключові слова
Психологія. Рsychology. Психология, Юридична психологія. Legal psychology. Юридическая психология, Автореферати дисертацій. Abstracts of Theses. Авторефераты диссертаций, 19.00.06, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, інноваційна діяльність, інноваційна компетентість, копінг-стратегії, психологічна готовність до інноваційної діяльності, психологічна ресурсність, працівники поліції середньої ланки, рефлексія, саморегуляція, самоуправління, поліція, инновационная деятельность, инновационная компетентность, копинг-стратегии, психологическая готовность к инновационной деятельности, психологическая ресурсность, работники полиции среднего звена, рефлексия, саморегуляция, самоуправление, innovative activity, innovative competence, coping strategies, psychological readiness for innovative activity, psychological resourcefulness, middle-level police officers, reflection, self-regulation, self-management