Консультаційно-дорадчі органи при главі держави: зарубіжний досвід конституційно-правового регулювання

dc.contributor.authorГета, Д. С.
dc.contributor.authorHeta, D. S.
dc.contributor.authorДар'я Гета
dc.description.abstractВивчено питання діяльності та вдосконалення інституту президента. Проаналізовано ефективність роботи апарату глави держави та функції дорадчих органів у контексті консультаційно-дорадчих функцій. Зазначено, що міжнародний досвід – ключ до ефективного застосування знань, умінь і навичок членів апарату президента для ефективної діяльності народного обранця.
dc.description.abstractTo build democracy in the state as such, Ukraine needs to codify and modernise state structures. It is clear that both comprehensive reforms and new methods and ways of delineating powers and regulation between all public authorities are needed. An urgent and serious problem of modern constitutional jurisprudence in Ukraine is the theoretical justification of the status and role of constitutional advisory bodies under the President of Ukraine as the head of state in the overall system of state authorities. The constitutional provisions regulating the legal status of the President of Ukraine define the status and role of the President of Ukraine as the head of state. The constitutional provisions defining the legal status of the head of state allow for a wide range of interpretations of these powers. The presidential system of Ukraine should be not only a guarantor of the constitutional principles of the state system, but also an integral body in the system of state authorities and a guarantor of interaction with local selfgovernment bodies. Given the general political trends, Ukraine used to be a presidential-parliamentary republic. However, in the light of the constitutional reforms launched and preparations for the country’s integration into the European Community, Ukraine has moved to a parliamentary-presidential republic, believing that this political system has proven to be effective in most European countries. Constitutional and legal regulation of the presidential office is an integral element of the existence of a democratic state. Mental and situational views inspire the need to systematize data obtained from the activities of the apparatuses of the presidents of foreign countries, in order to intensify the development of the institution of the head of state. The article examines the issue of activity and improvement of the presidential institute. The effectiveness of the office of the head of state and the functions of advisory bodies in the context of consultation and advisory functions are analyzed. International experience is the key to effective application of knowledge, skills and abilities of members of the presidential staff for the effective work of the people’s representative. In modern democratic political systems, consultative and advisory bodies under the head of state play an important role in the process of making political decisions. Their activities are aimed at providing the head of state with information and expert assessment on current issues of social life, as well as at the formation and implementation of state policy. To ensure the effective activity of the president, there is an urgent need to introduce a new comprehensive approach to the study and development of consultation and advisory functions of the bodies under the national leader’s office.
dc.description.abstractИзучены вопросы деятельности и усовершенствования института президента. Проанализирована эффективность работы аппарата главы государства и функции совещательных органов в контексте консультационно-совещательных функций. Отмечено, что международный опыт является ключом к эффективному применению знаний, умений и навыков членов аппарата президента для эффективной деятельности народного избранника.
dc.identifier.citationГета, Д. С. Консультаційно-дорадчі органи при главі держави: зарубіжний досвід конституційно-правового регулювання / Гета Дар'я Сергіївна // Право.ua. - 2024. - № 1. - С. 218-227. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/LAW.UA.2024.1.33.
dc.publisherПраво.ua. - 2024. - № 1. - С. 218-227
dc.subjectінститут президента
dc.subjectміжнародний досвід
dc.subjectглава держави
dc.subjectдорадчі органи
dc.subjectапарат президента
dc.subjectконституційно-правове регулювання
dc.subjectpresidential institute
dc.subjectinternational experience
dc.subjecthead of state
dc.subjectadvisory bodies
dc.subjectpresidential apparatus
dc.subjectconstitutional and legal regulation
dc.subjectинститут президента
dc.subjectмеждународный опыт
dc.subjectглава государства
dc.subjectсовещательные органы
dc.subjectаппарат президента
dc.subjectконституционно-правовое регулирование
dc.titleКонсультаційно-дорадчі органи при главі держави: зарубіжний досвід конституційно-правового регулювання
dc.title.alternativeAdvisory bodies to the head of state: foreign experience of constitutional and legal regulation


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