Вплив соціальних мереж на психічне здоров’я сучасної молоді
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Вчені записки ТНУ імені В. І. Вернадського. Сер.: Психологія. – 2023. – Т. 34 (73), № 6. - С. 1-5
Окреслено сутність поняття «психічне здоров’я», визначено основні складові психічного здоров’я, основні фактори впливу на психічне здоров’я молоді. Визначено основну мету використання соціальних мереж молодими людьми з огляду на віковий чинник. Охарактеризовано позитивні та негативні фактори впливу соціальних мереж на психічне здоров’я молоді. Описано депресію, страх, тривожність, невротизм, емоційну нестабільність як
вияви негативного впливу соціальних мереж на психічне здоров’я молоді. Запропоновано шляхи, як молодь може вберегти своє психічне здоров'я від негативного впливу соціальних мереж. Розглянуто організацію заходів у закладах вищої освіти, які спрямовані на розвиток комп’ютерної грамотності. Визначено тренінг із інформаційної гігієни як одну із форм роботи із молоддю.
The article is devoted to the problem of the influence of social networks on the mental health of modern youth. The relevance of the conducted research is due to the growing role of social networks in human life, in particular, young people who actively use social networks for education, work, and self-development. It should be noted that today's youth quite actively use social networks. This allows you to quickly and clearly present the results of your activities, find like-minded people, and create new areas of work. In addition, social networks are a way to mentally relax and stabilize your morale. In addition, with the help of social networks, you can express your position on various issues and show your individuality. The work outlines the essence of the concept of "mental health", defines the main components of mental health, the main factors influencing the mental health of young people. The main purpose of using social networks by young people is determined, taking into account the age factor. The positive and negative factors of the influence of social networks on the mental health of young people are characterized. Depression, fear, anxiety, neuroticism, emotional instability are described as manifestations of the negative impact of social networks on the mental health of young people. The organization of research related to the identification of the negative impact of social networks on the mental health of young people is considered. A questionnaire was developed to determine the impact of social networks on the mental health of young people aged 18-35. The main results of the research are described. Ways how young people can protect their mental health from the negative impact of social networks are suggested. The organization of events in higher educational institutions aimed at the development of computer literacy is considered. Information hygiene training is defined as one of the forms of work with young people. Summarized the results of the work. The main results are briefly outlined. Prospective areas of further research are identified.
Обозначена сущность понятия «психическое здоровье», определены основные составляющие психического здоровья, основные факторы влияния на психическое здоровье молодежи. Определена основная цель использования социальных сетей молодыми людьми с учетом возрастного фактора. Охарактеризованы положительные и отрицательные факторы влияния социальных сетей на психическое здоровье молодежи. Описаны депрессия, страх, тревожность, невротизм, эмоциональная нестабильность как проявление негативного влияния социальных сетей на психическое здоровье молодежи.
The article is devoted to the problem of the influence of social networks on the mental health of modern youth. The relevance of the conducted research is due to the growing role of social networks in human life, in particular, young people who actively use social networks for education, work, and self-development. It should be noted that today's youth quite actively use social networks. This allows you to quickly and clearly present the results of your activities, find like-minded people, and create new areas of work. In addition, social networks are a way to mentally relax and stabilize your morale. In addition, with the help of social networks, you can express your position on various issues and show your individuality. The work outlines the essence of the concept of "mental health", defines the main components of mental health, the main factors influencing the mental health of young people. The main purpose of using social networks by young people is determined, taking into account the age factor. The positive and negative factors of the influence of social networks on the mental health of young people are characterized. Depression, fear, anxiety, neuroticism, emotional instability are described as manifestations of the negative impact of social networks on the mental health of young people. The organization of research related to the identification of the negative impact of social networks on the mental health of young people is considered. A questionnaire was developed to determine the impact of social networks on the mental health of young people aged 18-35. The main results of the research are described. Ways how young people can protect their mental health from the negative impact of social networks are suggested. The organization of events in higher educational institutions aimed at the development of computer literacy is considered. Information hygiene training is defined as one of the forms of work with young people. Summarized the results of the work. The main results are briefly outlined. Prospective areas of further research are identified.
Обозначена сущность понятия «психическое здоровье», определены основные составляющие психического здоровья, основные факторы влияния на психическое здоровье молодежи. Определена основная цель использования социальных сетей молодыми людьми с учетом возрастного фактора. Охарактеризованы положительные и отрицательные факторы влияния социальных сетей на психическое здоровье молодежи. Описаны депрессия, страх, тревожность, невротизм, эмоциональная нестабильность как проявление негативного влияния социальных сетей на психическое здоровье молодежи.
Ключові слова
психічне здоров’я, mental health, психическое здоровье, молодь, young, молодежь, соціальні мережі, social networks, социальные сети, негативні чинники впливу, negative factors of influence, отрицательные факторы воздействия
Бібліографічний опис
Вольнова, Л. М. Вплив соціальних мереж на психічне здоров’я сучасної молоді / Вольнова Л. М., Камінська А. О., Ляска О. П. // Вчені записки ТНУ імені В. І. Вернадського. Сер.: Психологія. – 2023. – Т. 34 (73), № 6. - С. 1-5. - DOI : https://doi.org/10.32782/2709-3093/2023.6/01.