Теоретичні підходи до вивчення громадянської ідентичності
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Габітус. - 2020. - Вип. 20. - С. 126-129
Проаналізовано основні напрями дослідження ідентичності та громадської ідентичності в міждисциплінарних підходах, а саме філософії, соціології та психології. Акцентовано увагу на взаємозв’язку ідентичності з такими поняттями, як «самовизначення», «Я-концепція»,
«самоцінність» та «самоусвідомлення».
The concept of “civic identity” has relatively recently entered the modern lexicon. The concepts in connection with the discussion and adoption of state educational standards have been widely discussed, and one of the main tasks for educational institutions is to form the foundations of civic identity of students. For the successful formation of civic identity, you need to understand the concept behind it. Proper understanding of the current state of a problem, determining the ways of its development involves, above all, the study of the history of origin, the formation of views and concepts in this realm. Identity is a phenomenon that is very difficult to study. One of the reasons that complicate the study of this phenomenon is the terminological confusion. Up to the 20th century the problem of identity is not very concerned, interest in this phenomenon begins in the 1950s, there are such terms as: ‘self-image”, “self”, “self-concept”. In some works, identity is one of the properties of the “I-concept”, and in others it is a conscious part of identity [9]. In the general sense, identity (from the English) is a multifaceted life and general scientific term that expresses the idea of permanence, identity, continuity of the individual and his self-consciousness [6]. In the academic explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language, identity is interpreted as identical, the same [10]. Interpretation of identity as identity, as “complete similarity of something, similarity to each other in nature and appearance and manifestation” is given by other modern dictionaries [11]. Researchers usually analyze specific types of identity and their features, as well as factors influencing its formation. But identity is a rather complex phenomenon. There are several reasons that slow down the process of his research. One of them is related to terminological confusion in the definition of what is identity, and even within one area of knowledge [8]. The proposed article analyzes the main directions of the study of identity and social identity in interdisciplinary approaches – philosophy, sociology and psychology. The author focuses on the relationship of identity with concepts such as self-determination, self-concept, self-worth and self-awareness.
Проанализированы основные направления исследования идентичности и гражданской идентичности в междисциплинарных подходах, а именно философии, социологии и психологии. Акцентировано внимание на взаимосвязи идентичности с такими понятиями, как самоопределение, Я-концепция, самоценность и самоосознание.
The concept of “civic identity” has relatively recently entered the modern lexicon. The concepts in connection with the discussion and adoption of state educational standards have been widely discussed, and one of the main tasks for educational institutions is to form the foundations of civic identity of students. For the successful formation of civic identity, you need to understand the concept behind it. Proper understanding of the current state of a problem, determining the ways of its development involves, above all, the study of the history of origin, the formation of views and concepts in this realm. Identity is a phenomenon that is very difficult to study. One of the reasons that complicate the study of this phenomenon is the terminological confusion. Up to the 20th century the problem of identity is not very concerned, interest in this phenomenon begins in the 1950s, there are such terms as: ‘self-image”, “self”, “self-concept”. In some works, identity is one of the properties of the “I-concept”, and in others it is a conscious part of identity [9]. In the general sense, identity (from the English) is a multifaceted life and general scientific term that expresses the idea of permanence, identity, continuity of the individual and his self-consciousness [6]. In the academic explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language, identity is interpreted as identical, the same [10]. Interpretation of identity as identity, as “complete similarity of something, similarity to each other in nature and appearance and manifestation” is given by other modern dictionaries [11]. Researchers usually analyze specific types of identity and their features, as well as factors influencing its formation. But identity is a rather complex phenomenon. There are several reasons that slow down the process of his research. One of them is related to terminological confusion in the definition of what is identity, and even within one area of knowledge [8]. The proposed article analyzes the main directions of the study of identity and social identity in interdisciplinary approaches – philosophy, sociology and psychology. The author focuses on the relationship of identity with concepts such as self-determination, self-concept, self-worth and self-awareness.
Проанализированы основные направления исследования идентичности и гражданской идентичности в междисциплинарных подходах, а именно философии, социологии и психологии. Акцентировано внимание на взаимосвязи идентичности с такими понятиями, как самоопределение, Я-концепция, самоценность и самоосознание.
Макарова, О. П. Теоретичні підходи до вивчення громадянської ідентичності / Макарова О. П. // Габітус. - 2020. - Вип. 20. - С. 126-129. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.32843/2663-
Ключові слова
Психологія. Рsychology. Психология, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, ідентичність, identity, идентичность, громадянська ідентичність, civic identity, гражданская идентичность, громадянськість, citizenship, гражданственность, погляди вчених, views of scientists, взгляды ученых