Формування педагогічної культури майбутніх офіцерів поліції в процесі професійної підготовки
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Physical Culture and Sport: Scientific Perspective. - 2023. - № 2. - С. 158-164
У статті обґрунтовано актуальність проблеми формування і розвитку педагогічної культури майбутніх
офіцерів поліції. Показано, що педагогічна культура офіцера поліції є складником його професійної культури і має діалектичний взаємозв’язок з іншими складовими професійної культури працівників поліції, які доповнюють одна одну й забезпечують ефективне й якісне виконання службових обов’язків офіцерів поліції. Розглянуто особливості педагогічної культури правоохоронців та її залежність від особливостей професійної діяльності офіцерів поліції. Дано визначення поняття «педагогічна культура». Показано, що професійна діяльність офіцера поліції під час роботи з громадянами передбачає здійснення освітньої і виховної функцій. Тобто у офіцера поліції має бути сформована педагогічна культура як професійна якість особистості.
The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of formation and development of the pedagogical culture of future police officers. Pedagogical culture as a property of a specialist is one of the factors that determines the effectiveness of a specialist's professional activity. In this regard, the problem of forming a pedagogical culture among future police officers, which is part of the security and defense sector, is relevant. It is shown that the pedagogical culture of a police officer is a component of his professional culture and has a dialectical relationship with other components of the professional culture of police officers, namely, with legal, psychological, political, ethical, aesthetic, communicative and other cultures that complement each other and ensure effective and high-quality performance of official duties of police officers. The peculiarities of the pedagogical culture of law enforcement officers and their dependence on the peculiarities of the professional activity of police officers are considered. The concept of "pedagogical culture" is defined. It is shown that the professional activity of a police officer during work with citizens involves the implementation of educational and educational functions. That is, a police officer should have a pedagogical culture as a professional quality of personality. The profession of a policeman, like any other profession, has its own specifics, which determines the peculiarities of the pedagogical culture of an employee of the security and defense sector, in particular, a police officer. It is important to pay attention to the formation of such psychological qualities of a police officer as memory, thinking, emotions, feelings, mood, stress, speed of mental, emotional and physical reactions. The specified psychological skills and reactions allow you to think rationally, operate with concepts in a purposeful way, understand, analyze and interpret the norms of laws during the implementation of practical law enforcement activities. The formation of pedagogical culture as a professionally significant quality of the personality of the future employee of the security and defense sector requires the formation of not only certain knowledge, abilities and skills of rational communication and behavior in conflict situations and conflicts, but also certain relationships, attitudes and attitudes as components of the defined personality quality. The results of an experimental study of the formation of pedagogical culture among future police officers in the process of their professional training are presented. It was revealed that there was a statistically probable presence of positive dynamics in most indicators in the experimental groups after studying a special course, writing essays and creative works, participating in training and performing and solving problem situations and quest tasks.
В статье обоснована актуальность проблемы формирования и развития педагогической культуры будущих офицеров полиции. Показано, что педагогическая культура офицера полиции является составляющей его профессиональной культуры и имеет диалектическую взаимосвязь с другими составляющими профессиональной культуры работников полиции, которые дополняют друг друга и обеспечивают эффективное и качественное исполнение служебных обязанностей офицеров полиции. Рассмотрены особенности педагогической культуры правоохранителей и ее зависимость от особенностей профессиональной деятельности офицеров полиции.
The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of formation and development of the pedagogical culture of future police officers. Pedagogical culture as a property of a specialist is one of the factors that determines the effectiveness of a specialist's professional activity. In this regard, the problem of forming a pedagogical culture among future police officers, which is part of the security and defense sector, is relevant. It is shown that the pedagogical culture of a police officer is a component of his professional culture and has a dialectical relationship with other components of the professional culture of police officers, namely, with legal, psychological, political, ethical, aesthetic, communicative and other cultures that complement each other and ensure effective and high-quality performance of official duties of police officers. The peculiarities of the pedagogical culture of law enforcement officers and their dependence on the peculiarities of the professional activity of police officers are considered. The concept of "pedagogical culture" is defined. It is shown that the professional activity of a police officer during work with citizens involves the implementation of educational and educational functions. That is, a police officer should have a pedagogical culture as a professional quality of personality. The profession of a policeman, like any other profession, has its own specifics, which determines the peculiarities of the pedagogical culture of an employee of the security and defense sector, in particular, a police officer. It is important to pay attention to the formation of such psychological qualities of a police officer as memory, thinking, emotions, feelings, mood, stress, speed of mental, emotional and physical reactions. The specified psychological skills and reactions allow you to think rationally, operate with concepts in a purposeful way, understand, analyze and interpret the norms of laws during the implementation of practical law enforcement activities. The formation of pedagogical culture as a professionally significant quality of the personality of the future employee of the security and defense sector requires the formation of not only certain knowledge, abilities and skills of rational communication and behavior in conflict situations and conflicts, but also certain relationships, attitudes and attitudes as components of the defined personality quality. The results of an experimental study of the formation of pedagogical culture among future police officers in the process of their professional training are presented. It was revealed that there was a statistically probable presence of positive dynamics in most indicators in the experimental groups after studying a special course, writing essays and creative works, participating in training and performing and solving problem situations and quest tasks.
В статье обоснована актуальность проблемы формирования и развития педагогической культуры будущих офицеров полиции. Показано, что педагогическая культура офицера полиции является составляющей его профессиональной культуры и имеет диалектическую взаимосвязь с другими составляющими профессиональной культуры работников полиции, которые дополняют друг друга и обеспечивают эффективное и качественное исполнение служебных обязанностей офицеров полиции. Рассмотрены особенности педагогической культуры правоохранителей и ее зависимость от особенностей профессиональной деятельности офицеров полиции.
Ключові слова
педагогічна культура, професійна культура, курсанти, офіцери поліції, професійна підготовка, квестові завдання, pedagogical culture, professional culture, cadets, police officers, professional training, quest tasks, педагогическая культура, профессиональная культура, курсанты, офицеры полиции, профессиональная подготовка, квестовые задания
Бібліографічний опис
Тюріна, В. Формування педагогічної культури майбутніх офіцерів поліції в процесі професійної підготовки / Тюріна Валентина, Романишина Людмила, Бойко Олег // Physical Culture and Sport: Scientific Perspective. - 2023. - № 2. - С. 158-164. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.31891/pcs.2023.2.22.
РОМАНИШИНА, Л. ., ТЮРІНА, В. ., & БОЙКО , О. . (2023). ФОРМУВАННЯ ПЕДАГОГІЧНОЇ КУЛЬТУРИ МАЙБУТНІХ ОФІЦЕРІВ ПОЛІЦІЇ В ПРОЦЕСІ ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ ПІДГОТОВКИ. Physical Culture and Sport: Scientific Perspective, (2), 158–164. https://doi.org/10.31891/pcs.2023.2.22.
Тюріна В., Романишина Л., Бойко О. Формування педагогічної культури майбутніх офіцерів поліції в процесі професійної підготовки. Physical Culture and Sport: Scientific Perspective. 2023. № 2. С. 158-164.
Tyurina V., Romanyshyna L., Boyko O. (2023) Formation of pedagogical culture of future police officers in the process of professional training. Physical Culture and Sport: Scientific Perspective, № 2, pp. 158-164.
РОМАНИШИНА, Л. ., ТЮРІНА, В. ., & БОЙКО , О. . (2023). ФОРМУВАННЯ ПЕДАГОГІЧНОЇ КУЛЬТУРИ МАЙБУТНІХ ОФІЦЕРІВ ПОЛІЦІЇ В ПРОЦЕСІ ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ ПІДГОТОВКИ. Physical Culture and Sport: Scientific Perspective, (2), 158–164. https://doi.org/10.31891/pcs.2023.2.22.
Тюріна В., Романишина Л., Бойко О. Формування педагогічної культури майбутніх офіцерів поліції в процесі професійної підготовки. Physical Culture and Sport: Scientific Perspective. 2023. № 2. С. 158-164.
Tyurina V., Romanyshyna L., Boyko O. (2023) Formation of pedagogical culture of future police officers in the process of professional training. Physical Culture and Sport: Scientific Perspective, № 2, pp. 158-164.