Докази та доказування в справах про встановлення та оспорювання батьківства (материнства) : автореф. дис.
dc.contributor.advisor | Кройтор, В. А. - науковий керівник | |
dc.contributor.author | Супрун, Т. С. | |
dc.contributor.author | Suprun, T. S. | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-10-17T07:03:56Z | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-05-11T13:18:10Z | |
dc.date.available | 2017-10-17T07:03:56Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-05-11T13:18:10Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2017 | |
dc.description | Супрун, Т. С. Докази та доказування в справах про встановлення та оспорювання батьківства (материнства) : автореф. дис. ... канд. юрид. наук : 12.00.03 / Супрун Тетяна Сергіївна ; МВС України, Харк. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. - Харків, 2017. - 18 с. | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.description.abstract | Дисертація є комплексним дослідженням теоретичних та практичних проблем доказів та доказування в справах про встановлення та оспорювання батьківства (материнства). В роботі сформульовані конкретні предмети доказування залежно від обставин певної цивільної справи в рамках справ про встановлення та оспорювання батьківства (материнства) як єдиної категорії справ. Зроблено висновок, що в справах про встановлення чи оспорювання батьківства (материнства) висновок експерта відіграє особливу роль, що надає йому вирішального значення для такої категорії справ. | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.description.abstract | The dissertation is a complex research of theoretical and practical problems of evidence and proving in cases of establishing and disputing paternity (maternity). The author of the paper has proved that the norms of family law, which determine the object of proving and the possibility of using forensic examination in cases of establishing and disputing paternity (maternity), are harmonized with European standards (the Article 5 of the European Convention on the Legal Status of Children born out of wedlock, judgment of European Court of Human Rights dated from May 7, 2009 in the case of Kalachova v. Russia, etc.) and modern scientific achievements. The author of the paper has proved that the necessary evidence is evidence that has a direct connection between the evidence and the circumstances of the case, but without establishing the necessary evidence it is impossible to establish certain circumstances of the case that compose the object of proving. In particular, in cases of establishing and disputing paternity (maternity), the fact of the birth of a child may be confirmed by a copy of the birth certificate or a copy of the birth certificate’s record of a child. The isolation of the characteristic essential features allowed the author of the paper to determine the concept of the object of proving in civil cases – it is a system of circumstances of objective reality of both material and legal nature, and all other circumstances (procedural and legal, evidentiary, etc.), which are of legal significance for passing a legitimate and substantiated court judgment on the merits in a specific civil case.The author of the paper came to the conclusion that the legislator had chosen a broad approach to the definition of the object of evidence activity. The object of proving is composed of the following groups of circumstances: 1) of material and legal significance; 2) of procedural and legal significance; 3) of evidential value (evidentiary facts, verification facts). While establishing the object of proving in cases of paternity establishment, the author of the paper has grounded the possibility of the statement that the circumstances previously provided by the Art. 53 of the Code on Marriage and Family of Ukraine (joint residence and joint venture by the mother of the child and the defendant before the birth of the child, or joint education or maintenance of the child by them, or other evidence that would confirm the defendant’s paternity with certainty) can be considered as evidentiary facts and be studied in the course of hearing the cases of this category. The author has found out the possibility of allocating the general object of proving for a particular category of civil cases and a specific object of evidence, depending on the circumstances of a particular civil case. The general object of proving in a particular category of cases, and in particular, in cases on establishing and disputing paternity (maternity), is determined by that norm (or norms) of substantive law. Thus, in all cases on establishing and disputing paternity (maternity), it is necessary to establish the fact of the birth of a child, which can be confirmed by a copy of the birth certificate or a copy of the birth certificate’s record of a child, which the court requests from the agency of Vital Records office according the place of birth registration indicated on the birth certificate of a child, while preparing the case for a trial. The author of the paper has concluded that it is possible to form and consolidate the presumption of paternity in the legislation in the case of the birth of a child outside the marriage in cases of establishing paternity, in the case of proving the living of a woman and a man with one family, but who are not married to each other. The author has concluded that in cases on establishing or disputing paternity (maternity) the expert’s conclusion is of particular importance, which provides it the decisive importance for such a category of cases. It contains special data that is closely related to the object of proving and can not be replaced by any other means of proving, since they do not contain sufficient information. The author has suggested the provision on the mandatory appointment of an examination, at the request of at least one of the parties, if there is the need in the case to establish the presence or absence of a blood relationship between a man and a child. | en |
dc.description.abstract | Диссертация посвящена комплексному исследованию теоретических и практических проблем доказательств и доказывания по делам об установлении и оспаривании отцовства (материнства). В работе сформулированы конкретные предметы доказывания в зависимости от обстоятельств конкретного гражданского дела в рамках дел об установлении и оспаривании отцовства (материнства) как единой категории дел. Сделан вывод, что по делам об установлении и оспаривании отцовства (материнства) заключение эксперта имеет особое значение, что обусловливается спецификой дел. | ru |
dc.identifier.other | 12.00.03 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://dspace.univd.edu.ua/xmlui/handle/123456789/2407 | |
dc.language.iso | other | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.publisher | Харків | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | Цивільно-процесуальне право. Civil and Procedure Law. Гражданское процессуальное право | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | Цивільне право. Civil Law. Гражданское право | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | Автореферати дисертацій. Abstracts of Theses. Авторефераты диссертаций | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | 12.00.03 | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | цивільний процес | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | цивільне судочинство | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | встановлення батьківства | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | встановлення материнства | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | оспорювання батьківства | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | оспорювання материнства | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | докази | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | засоби доказування | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | доказові факти | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | правові презумпції | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | судова експертиза | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | establishment of paternity | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | establishment of maternity | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | disputing paternity | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | disputing maternity | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | evidence | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | means of proving | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | evidentiary facts | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | legal presumptions | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | judicial expertise | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | гражданский процесс | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | гражданское судопроизводство | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | установление отцовства | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | установление материнства | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | оспаривание отцовства | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | оспаривание материнства | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | доказательства | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | средства доказывания | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | доказательственные факты | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | правовые презумпции | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.subject | судебная экспертиза | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.title | Докази та доказування в справах про встановлення та оспорювання батьківства (материнства) : автореф. дис. | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.title.alternative | Автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.title.alternative | Доказательства и доказывание по делам об установлении и оспаривании отцовства (материнства) | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.title.alternative | Evidence and proving in cases on establishing and disputing paternity (maternity) | uk_UA.UTF8 |
dc.type | Other | uk_UA.UTF8 |
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