Особливості професійної ідентичності працівників Національної поліції
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Fundamental and applied researches in practice of leading scientific schools. - 2020. - Vol. 41, № 5. - P. 35-42
В статті проаналізовано особливості професійної ідентичності працівників Національної поліції України. Проаналізована проблема професійної ідентичності та лояльності до організації у працівників поліції з різним стажем роботи. Вивчена професійна затребуваність особистості, а також досліджено проблему ідентичність/маргіналізм у працівників поліції з різним стажем роботи. Досліджено професійну ідентичність працівників Національної поліції з різним стажем роботи.
The article reveals the problem of effective activities of the National Police of Ukraine in the prevention and detection of crimes. It is noteworthy that for this you need to have a certain level of formation of your professional knowledge and skills, that is, you need high professionalization. Another decisive factor for the successful implementation of the tasks facing the National Police of Ukraine is police training, retraining and morale. Thus, the study of the process of professional identity of the National Police is especially important both in theoretical and in practical terms. The features of the professional identity of the National Police of Ukraine are analyzed. Analyzed the problem of professional identity and commitment to the organization of police officers with different work experience. I studied the professional demand of the individual It was noted that the problem of professional identity of National Police officers in modern Ukraine is practically not developed and has not received sufficient coverage in the literature. The article analyzes the problems of professional identity in the structure of psychological science and approaches to the study of professional identity in psychology. The problem of identity / marginalism among police officers with different work experience as well as loyalty to the organization among police officers with different work experience was also studied. The results obtained during empirical research show that, taking into account the connection between professional identity and professional development, we conclude that in the process of professionalization, a person not only appears, but also changes. Career growth is accompanied by a change in various types of personality.
В статье исследована профессиональная идентичность работников Национальной полиции Украины с разным стажем работы. Проанализирована проблема профессиональной идентичности и лояльности к организации полицейских с различным стажем работы. Изучено профессиональную востребованность личности, а также проблему идентичности / маргинализма полицейских с различным стажем работы.
The article reveals the problem of effective activities of the National Police of Ukraine in the prevention and detection of crimes. It is noteworthy that for this you need to have a certain level of formation of your professional knowledge and skills, that is, you need high professionalization. Another decisive factor for the successful implementation of the tasks facing the National Police of Ukraine is police training, retraining and morale. Thus, the study of the process of professional identity of the National Police is especially important both in theoretical and in practical terms. The features of the professional identity of the National Police of Ukraine are analyzed. Analyzed the problem of professional identity and commitment to the organization of police officers with different work experience. I studied the professional demand of the individual It was noted that the problem of professional identity of National Police officers in modern Ukraine is practically not developed and has not received sufficient coverage in the literature. The article analyzes the problems of professional identity in the structure of psychological science and approaches to the study of professional identity in psychology. The problem of identity / marginalism among police officers with different work experience as well as loyalty to the organization among police officers with different work experience was also studied. The results obtained during empirical research show that, taking into account the connection between professional identity and professional development, we conclude that in the process of professionalization, a person not only appears, but also changes. Career growth is accompanied by a change in various types of personality.
В статье исследована профессиональная идентичность работников Национальной полиции Украины с разным стажем работы. Проанализирована проблема профессиональной идентичности и лояльности к организации полицейских с различным стажем работы. Изучено профессиональную востребованность личности, а также проблему идентичности / маргинализма полицейских с различным стажем работы.
Alexandrov, Yu. Features of professional identity of National police officers / Alexandrov Yu. // Fundamental and applied researches in practice of leading scientific schools. - 2020. - Vol. 41, № 5. - P. 35-42. - DOI: 10.33531/farplss.2020.5.6.
Alexandrov, Yu. (2020). Features of professional identity of National police officers. Fundamental and applied researches in practice of leading scientific schools, 41 (5), 35-42.
Alexandrov, Yu. (2020). Features of professional identity of National police officers. Fundamental and applied researches in practice of leading scientific schools, 41 (5), 35-42.
Ключові слова
Психологія. Рsychology. Психология, ідентичність, професійна ідентичність, маргіналізм, професійна затребуваність, лояльність до організації, професіоналізм, метаіндивідуальність, identity, professional identity, marginalism, professional relevance, loyalty to the organization, professionalism, meta-individuality, личность, профессиональная идентичность, маржинализм, профессиональная актуальность, лояльность к организации, профессионализм, метаиндивидуальность, Національна поліція України. National police of Ukraine. Национальная полиция Украины, National police of Ukraine, Национальная полиция Украины, Юридична психологія. Legal psychology. Юридическая психология, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина