Психологічні особливості правомірної поведінки військовослужбовців
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Габітус. - 2023. - Вип. 46. - С. 211-216
Визначено особливості правомірної поведінки у військовослужбовців, які несуть строкову службу та військову службу за контрактом. Правомірна поведінка військовослужбовців трактується
як комплекс уявлень про себе як суб’єкта права та правовідносин, що формується
внаслідок специфіки ціннісної, когнітивної, поведінкової та афективної сфер особистості.
A theoretical and empirical study of the psychological features of lawful behavior in the service activities of military personnel is presented. The legitimate behavior of military personnel is interpreted as a complex of ideas about themselves as subjects of law and legal relations, which is formed as a result of the specifics of the value, cognitive, behavioral and affective spheres of the individual. The purpose of the study is to determine the specifics of the lawful behavior of servicemen who are in conscript and contract military service. 130 people participated in the study, including 76 conscripts (the first group) and 54 conscripts (the second group). Psychodiagnostic tools: «Questionnaire for the diagnosis of legitimate professional orientation of personality» (LPOP) and the method «Determining the level of legal development» by J. Tapp and F. Levy in the Ukrainian language adaptation by G. Kamyshnikova. Mathematical and statistical methods: Student's t-test for independent samples and Fisher's angular transformation (φ) test. It has been empirically established that the first group of servicemen is dominated by an extraorientational system of lawful behavior, while the second group of servicemen is dominated by intraorientational and introorientational systems. Military servicemen of contract service perceive their activities as normatively regulated, military servicemen performing military service under contract characterize themselves as subjects of law and interact with others from the standpoint of legal relations. The components of lawful behavior demonstrated significant differences in the studied group s. In the first group, the leading place is occupied by legal knowledge and the desire to obey the law. The second group has significantly higher indicators of the cognitive, behavioral and value-motivational components of LPOP. The study of the levels of legal development divided the research participants as follows: legal obedience was established in 42% of the first group and 32% of the respondents of the second; legal support in 38% of the first group and in 24% of the researched second group and law-making in 20% of the first group and 44% of the military personnel of the second group.
Определены особенности правомерного поведения у военнослужащих, несущих срочную службу и военную службу по контракту. Правомерное поведение военнослужащих трактуется как комплекс представлений о себе как субъекте права и правоотношений, который формируется в результате специфики ценностной, когнитивной, поведенческой и аффективной сфер личности.
A theoretical and empirical study of the psychological features of lawful behavior in the service activities of military personnel is presented. The legitimate behavior of military personnel is interpreted as a complex of ideas about themselves as subjects of law and legal relations, which is formed as a result of the specifics of the value, cognitive, behavioral and affective spheres of the individual. The purpose of the study is to determine the specifics of the lawful behavior of servicemen who are in conscript and contract military service. 130 people participated in the study, including 76 conscripts (the first group) and 54 conscripts (the second group). Psychodiagnostic tools: «Questionnaire for the diagnosis of legitimate professional orientation of personality» (LPOP) and the method «Determining the level of legal development» by J. Tapp and F. Levy in the Ukrainian language adaptation by G. Kamyshnikova. Mathematical and statistical methods: Student's t-test for independent samples and Fisher's angular transformation (φ) test. It has been empirically established that the first group of servicemen is dominated by an extraorientational system of lawful behavior, while the second group of servicemen is dominated by intraorientational and introorientational systems. Military servicemen of contract service perceive their activities as normatively regulated, military servicemen performing military service under contract characterize themselves as subjects of law and interact with others from the standpoint of legal relations. The components of lawful behavior demonstrated significant differences in the studied group s. In the first group, the leading place is occupied by legal knowledge and the desire to obey the law. The second group has significantly higher indicators of the cognitive, behavioral and value-motivational components of LPOP. The study of the levels of legal development divided the research participants as follows: legal obedience was established in 42% of the first group and 32% of the respondents of the second; legal support in 38% of the first group and in 24% of the researched second group and law-making in 20% of the first group and 44% of the military personnel of the second group.
Определены особенности правомерного поведения у военнослужащих, несущих срочную службу и военную службу по контракту. Правомерное поведение военнослужащих трактуется как комплекс представлений о себе как субъекте права и правоотношений, который формируется в результате специфики ценностной, когнитивной, поведенческой и аффективной сфер личности.
Коваленко, Є. С. Психологічні особливості правомірної поведінки військовослужбовців / Коваленко Є. С. // Габітус. - 2023. - Вип. 46. - С. 211-216. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/2663-5208.
Ключові слова
Психологія. Рsychology. Психология, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, військовослужбовці, military personnel, военнослужащие, контрактна служба, contract service, контрактная служба, особистість, personality, личность, психологічні особливості, psychological features, психологические особенности, правомірна поведінка, lawful behavior, правомерное поведение, професійна діяльність, professional activity, профессиональная деятельность, службова діяльність, official activity, служебная деятельность, строкова служба, term service, срочная служба