Assessment of economic risks in the context of strategic enterprise management






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European Journal of Sustainable Development. - 2021. - Vol. 10, N. 3. - P. 231-252


Встановлено, що для ефективного функціонування та забезпечення високого рівня конкурентоспроможності агроформуванням необхідно якісно освоювати всі складові елементи ресурсу потенціалу суб'єкта господарювання. Запропоновано систему стратегічного управління ресурсним потенціалом, яка демонструє процес формування ресурсного потенціалу та здійснює управлінський вплив на економічні процеси та його стратегічний розвиток. Система стратегічного управління ресурсним потенціалом насамперед орієнтована на ефективне виконання функцій, що лежать в основі агроформування.
It is established that for the effective functioning and ensuring a high level of competitiveness of agricultural formations it is necessary to qualitatively develop all the constituent elements of the resource potential of the business entity. The main place in this belongs to the assessment and effective use of fixed assets, material, labor, financial, information components of the resource potential of the agricultural enterprise as a basis for successful and socio-economic development of the whole system. It is determined that the strategically oriented resource potential of agricultural formations is the availability of a sufficient number of quality resources of the economy and strategic competencies in the management to form and implement a strategy of action to achieve the goals of the enterprise. Methods for assessing the effectiveness of resource management of agricultural formations are studied. The method of determining the integrated indicator of the efficiency of the resource potential of the enterprise in terms of financial, material and labor resources is considered. Integral assessment allows you to compare the achieved level of management efficiency as a whole resource potential of the enterprise and its individual components for a certain period, for a better understanding of the situation, the period is chosen not less than 5 years. Formed stages of the process of forming strategic management of resource potential of agricultural formations which include strategic analysis, development of strategic goals, formation of strategic standards, strategy selection depending on the level of resource potential, formation of measures to ensure effective strategy implementation, evaluation and control of the proposed strategy. The assessment of the level of efficiency of resource potential management and its components of agroformation is carried out and the matrix of actions according to the reached level of efficiency of resource potential management is filled. The calculation of single, group, complex and integrated indicator of efficiency of management of resource potential of agroforming is carried out. The defined level remains only at a sufficient level, which necessitated the formation of an overall strategy for resource management. A system of strategic management of resource potential is proposed, which demonstrates the process of formation of resource potential and exerts managerial influence on economic processes and its strategic development. The system of strategic management of resource potential is primarily focused on the effective implementation of the functions that underlie agricultural formation. The basis of the developed system was the task of rational and balanced formation of resource potential and to ensure the competitiveness of the economy.
Установлено, что для эффективного функционирования и обеспечения высокого уровня конкурентоспособности агроформирование необходимо качественно осваивать все составные элементы ресурса потенциала субъекта хозяйствования. Предложена система стратегического управления ресурсным потенциалом, которая демонстрирует процесс формирования ресурсного потенциала и оказывает управленческое влияние на экономические процессы и его стратегическое развитие. Система стратегического управления ресурсным потенциалом, прежде всего, ориентирована на эффективное выполнение функций, лежащих в основе агроформирования.


Assessment of Economic Risks in the Context of Strategic Enterprise Management / Iryna Sievidova, Elina Pakhucha, Volodymyr Chumak, Lyudmila Shovkun, Artem Novikov, Ivan Zakharov, Oleksandr Skrypnyk // European Journal of Sustainable Development. - 2021. - Vol. 10, N. 3. - P. 231-252. - DOI:
Sievidova, I. ., Pakhucha, E. ., Chumak, V. ., Shovkun, L. ., Novikov, A., Zakharov, I. ., & Skrypnyk, O. . (2021). Assessment of Economic Risks in the Context of Strategic Enterprise Management . European Journal of Sustainable Development, 10(3), 231.

Ключові слова

Економіка. Економічні науки. Економічна безпека. Economics. Economic Security. Экономика. Экономические науки. Экономическая безопасность, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, менеджмент, management, стратегія, strategy, стратегия, ресурсний потенціал, resource potential, ресурсный потенциал, агроформування, agricultural formation, агроформирование, система стратегічного управління, system of strategic management, система стратегического управления

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