Конституційні засади права на правову допомогу в Україні

dc.contributor.authorМартовицька, О. В.
dc.contributor.authorMartovytska, O. V.
dc.contributor.authorORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4483-861X
dc.descriptionМартовицька, О. В. Конституційні засади права на правову допомогу в Україні / Мартовицька О. В. // Юридична наука. - 2019. - № 9 (99). - С. 159-167.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВідзначено, що право на правову допомогу не тільки надається й реалізується на підставі й у відповідності до закріплених конституційних засад, а саме по собі виступає в якості одного з правових засобів, які використовуються для захисту прав і свобод людини. Аргументовано, що право на правову допомогу водночас є конституційним принципом, зокрема кримінального судочинства, який знаходить своє відображення в галузевому процесуальному законодавстві.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractEveryone in Ukraine is born free and immediately acquires certain natural and private personal rights, such as the right to life, health, liberty, respect for his honor and dignity, the free development of his personality, and so on. The priority of every democratic state is not only to respect the constitutional rights and freedoms of the individual, but also to ensure the mechanism of their implementation. However, the average person, as a result of ignorance of their rights or ignorance of the mechanism of their implementation, often can not exercise them because they do not know how to act. In the article, it has been emphasized that the priority of every democratic state is not only to respect the constitutional rights and freedoms of the individual, but also to ensure the mechanism of their implementation. It has been noted that one of the effective means of exercising the rights and freedoms of the individual is the institution of legal aid, the general availability of which is due to the possibility of obtaining it free of charge for certain segments of the population. Emphasis has been placed on the fact that the right to legal aid is a constitutionally enshrined, and therefore guaranteed, right, which in itself is an integral principle of procedural activity in our state. At the same time, the granting and realization of this right also takes place on the basis of and in compliance with general principles. It has been emphasized that the right to a legal nature has a complex, multifaceted nature, according to which the studied law is both a constitutional principle that ensures equal access to justice and is exercised on the basis of other principles. It has been established that the right to legal aid is characterized by features that indicate its focus and nature. It has been noted that these features determine the constitutional principles of the right to legal aid – the focus on ensuring human rights and freedoms; legal nature; general character; impossibility of its restriction; state guarantee. It is has been noted that the right to legal aid is not only granted and exercised on the basis of and in accordance with the established constitutional principles, but in itself acts as one of the legal means used to protect human rights and freedoms. It has been argued that the right to legal aid is at the same time a constitutional principle, in particular criminal proceedings, which is reflected in the sectoral procedural legislation.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractОтмечено, что право на правовую помощь не только предоставляется и реализуется на основании и в соответствии с закрепленными конституционными устоями, а само по себе выступает в качестве одного из правовых средств, используемых для защиты прав и свобод человека. Аргументировано, что право на правовую помощь является конституционным принципом, в частности уголовного судопроизводства, который находит свое отражение в отраслевом процессуальном законодательстве.uk_UA
dc.publisherЮридична наука. - 2019. - № 9 (99). - С. 159-167uk_UA
dc.subjectКонституційне право. Constitutional Law. Конституционное правоuk_UA
dc.subjectНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииuk_UA
dc.subjectУкраїна. Ukraine. Украинаuk_UA
dc.subjectКримінально-процесуальне право. Criminal and Procedure Law. Уголовное процессуальное правоuk_UA
dc.subjectконституційні засадиuk_UA
dc.subjectconstitutional principlesuk_UA
dc.subjectконституционные основыuk_UA
dc.subjectправо на правову допомогуuk_UA
dc.subjectправова допомогаuk_UA
dc.subjectlegal aiduk_UA
dc.subjectправовая помощьuk_UA
dc.subjectправа та свободи громадянuk_UA
dc.subjectrights and freedoms of citizensuk_UA
dc.subjectправа и свободы гражданuk_UA
dc.subjectкримінальне судочинствоuk_UA
dc.subjectcriminal justiceuk_UA
dc.subjectуголовное судопроизводствоuk_UA
dc.titleКонституційні засади права на правову допомогу в Україніuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeConstitutional principles of the right to legal aid in Ukraineuk_UA


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