Деякі аспекти економічної злочинності в УСРР у першій половині 1930-х років
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Форум права. - 2017. - № 5. - С. 22–30
Розглядаються причини та основні прояви економічної злочинності в Українській СРР у першій половині 1930-х рр. Головна увага приділяється розкриттю сутності спекуляції у той час та основним чинникам, які сприяли її розвитку,
спробам влади протидіяти їй.
The relevance of the research topic is due to the theoretical and practical significance of the problems of counteracting economic crime in modern conditions. In the early 1930’s, the reproduction of criminal manifestations in the economy occurred in fundamentally new historical conditions that arose after the failure of the party-state leadership of the USSR from the NEP. Introduced since the beginning of 1930, the card supply system, according to the design of its authors, was to provide the population with a minimum set of essential to maintain the living minimum food. But such a large-scale measure as the transition to a card supply system, and even in the scale of such a country as the USSR, could not be implemented quickly and without apparent defects. Violations of the commodity provision of large sections of the urban population contributed to the burst of speculative operations, the theft of state and public property. In addition, the general economic state of the state was rather difficult. In the 1930s, the most important were two sources of receipt of goods on the «black market»: first, illegal access to state commodity funds, and secondly – products made by illegal private entrepreneurial structures. The bulk of the crimes represented money laundering, large theft of goods, petty theft of «socialist property». By 1934 they accounted for two thirds of all reported crimes. The size of the robbery was huge. The organization of combating economic crimes in the USSR in the 1930’s was carried out with the help of various methods, methods and means. This counteraction was carried out with the help of law enforcement bodies, party commissions and inspections, state-controlling bodies. The confrontation between the state and the «black business» unfolded in such basic directions: strengthening of judicial and punitive practice, «politicization» of economic crime (encroachment on new economic principles) and judicial campaigns.
Рассматриваются причины и основные проявления экономической преступности в Украинской ССР в первой половине 1930-х гг. Главное внимание уделяется раскрытию сущности спекуляции в то время и основным факторам, которые содействовали ее развитию, попыткам власти противодействовать ей.
The relevance of the research topic is due to the theoretical and practical significance of the problems of counteracting economic crime in modern conditions. In the early 1930’s, the reproduction of criminal manifestations in the economy occurred in fundamentally new historical conditions that arose after the failure of the party-state leadership of the USSR from the NEP. Introduced since the beginning of 1930, the card supply system, according to the design of its authors, was to provide the population with a minimum set of essential to maintain the living minimum food. But such a large-scale measure as the transition to a card supply system, and even in the scale of such a country as the USSR, could not be implemented quickly and without apparent defects. Violations of the commodity provision of large sections of the urban population contributed to the burst of speculative operations, the theft of state and public property. In addition, the general economic state of the state was rather difficult. In the 1930s, the most important were two sources of receipt of goods on the «black market»: first, illegal access to state commodity funds, and secondly – products made by illegal private entrepreneurial structures. The bulk of the crimes represented money laundering, large theft of goods, petty theft of «socialist property». By 1934 they accounted for two thirds of all reported crimes. The size of the robbery was huge. The organization of combating economic crimes in the USSR in the 1930’s was carried out with the help of various methods, methods and means. This counteraction was carried out with the help of law enforcement bodies, party commissions and inspections, state-controlling bodies. The confrontation between the state and the «black business» unfolded in such basic directions: strengthening of judicial and punitive practice, «politicization» of economic crime (encroachment on new economic principles) and judicial campaigns.
Рассматриваются причины и основные проявления экономической преступности в Украинской ССР в первой половине 1930-х гг. Главное внимание уделяется раскрытию сущности спекуляции в то время и основным факторам, которые содействовали ее развитию, попыткам власти противодействовать ей.
Бандурка, О. М. Деякі аспекти економічної злочинності в УСРР у першій половині 1930-х років [Електронний ресурс] / О. М. Бандурка, В. А. Греченко // Форум права. - 2017. - № 5. - С. 22–30. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/j-pdf/FP_index.htm_2017_5_4.pdf.
Бандурка О. М., Греченко В. А. Деякі аспекти економічної злочинності в УСРР у першій половині 1930-х років. Форум права: електрон. наук. фахове вид. 2017. № 5. С. 22–30. URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/j-pdf/FP_index.htm_2017_5_4.pdf.
Бандурка О. М., Греченко В. А. "Деякі аспекти економічної злочинності в УСРР у першій половині 1930-х років." Форум права 5 (2017): 22–30.
Бандурка О. М., Греченко В. А. Деякі аспекти економічної злочинності в УСРР у першій половині 1930-х років. Форум права: електрон. наук. фахове вид. 2017. № 5. С. 22–30. URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/j-pdf/FP_index.htm_2017_5_4.pdf.
Бандурка О. М., Греченко В. А. "Деякі аспекти економічної злочинності в УСРР у першій половині 1930-х років." Форум права 5 (2017): 22–30.
Ключові слова
Кримінологія. Criminology. Криминология, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, Історія. History. История, протидія злочинності, економічна злочинність, дефіцит товарів, спекуляція, розкрадання, «чорний ринок», УСРР, Ukrainian SSR, экономическая преступность, дефицит товаров, спекуляция, хищение, «черный рынок», economic criminality, scarcity of goods, speculation, theft, «black market»