Linguistic Means of Expressing the Category of Temporality in Modern Political Discourse
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World Journal of English Language. - 2023. - Vol. 13, No. 4. - P. 23-28
Розглянуто питання вивчення феномену тимчасовість у політичному дискурсі як двоєдиної об’єктивно-суб’єктивної категорії пізнання світу та політичного життя в часі, а також мовні засоби його вираження. Стаття спрямована на теоретичне та прикладне дослідження мовних засобів вираження категорії тимчасовості в сучасному політичному дискурсі. Доведено необхідність модернізації лінгвістичних прийомів вираження темпоральності в політичному дискурсі під вимоги та виклики сучасності.
The emergence of new challenges of the present necessitates the modernization of approaches to understanding the category of time and its connection with the political life of the state. It requires wide use of linguistic means because the existing trends of globalization require an adequate perception of the need for political changes and their temporality. Therefore, the issue of studying the phenomenon of temporality in political discourse as a two-pronged objective-subjective category of cognition of the world and political life in time, as well as the linguistic means of its expression, is becoming more relevant. The article is aimed at theoretical and applied research of linguistic means of expressing the category of temporality in modern political discourse. The methodological basis of the study is the following methods of scientific cognition and analysis: descriptive method, system analysis, synthesis, scientific abstraction, component analysis, comparison, analogy, generalization, systematization, and graphical method. Based on the results of the study, it has been established that the need to express the category of temporality is especially relevant in modern political discourse. This category involves the comprehension and interpretation of past political events, objective assessment and vision of the current state of functioning of the political sphere, and making the right decisions in the future. It can be achieved through well-chosen linguistic means. Moreover, it has been revealed that the most commonly used linguistic means of expressing temporality in modern political discourse are manipulations. They are an effective means of influencing the public consciousness and forming an opinion about the current state and trends in the development of political processes. The necessity of modernization of linguistic methods of expressing temporality in political discourse under the requirements and challenges of modernity has been proven.
Рассмотрены вопросы изучения феномена временности в политическом дискурсе как двуединой объективно-субъективной категории познания мира и политической жизни во времени, а также языковые средства его выражения. Статья ориентирована на теоретическое и прикладное исследование языковых средств выражения категории временности в современном политическом дискурсе. Доказана необходимость модернизации лингвистических приемов выражения темпоральности в политическом дискурсе под требования и вызовы современности.
The emergence of new challenges of the present necessitates the modernization of approaches to understanding the category of time and its connection with the political life of the state. It requires wide use of linguistic means because the existing trends of globalization require an adequate perception of the need for political changes and their temporality. Therefore, the issue of studying the phenomenon of temporality in political discourse as a two-pronged objective-subjective category of cognition of the world and political life in time, as well as the linguistic means of its expression, is becoming more relevant. The article is aimed at theoretical and applied research of linguistic means of expressing the category of temporality in modern political discourse. The methodological basis of the study is the following methods of scientific cognition and analysis: descriptive method, system analysis, synthesis, scientific abstraction, component analysis, comparison, analogy, generalization, systematization, and graphical method. Based on the results of the study, it has been established that the need to express the category of temporality is especially relevant in modern political discourse. This category involves the comprehension and interpretation of past political events, objective assessment and vision of the current state of functioning of the political sphere, and making the right decisions in the future. It can be achieved through well-chosen linguistic means. Moreover, it has been revealed that the most commonly used linguistic means of expressing temporality in modern political discourse are manipulations. They are an effective means of influencing the public consciousness and forming an opinion about the current state and trends in the development of political processes. The necessity of modernization of linguistic methods of expressing temporality in political discourse under the requirements and challenges of modernity has been proven.
Рассмотрены вопросы изучения феномена временности в политическом дискурсе как двуединой объективно-субъективной категории познания мира и политической жизни во времени, а также языковые средства его выражения. Статья ориентирована на теоретическое и прикладное исследование языковых средств выражения категории временности в современном политическом дискурсе. Доказана необходимость модернизации лингвистических приемов выражения темпоральности в политическом дискурсе под требования и вызовы современности.
Ключові слова
темпоральність, політика, політичний дискурс, політична нестабільність, політичний процес, мовні засоби, лінгвістика, temporality, politics, political discourse, political instability, political process, linguistic means, linguistics, темпоральность, политика, политический дискурс, политическая нестабильность, политический процесс, языковые средства, лингвистика
Бібліографічний опис
Marieiev, D. Linguistic Means of Expressing the Category of Temporality in Modern Political Discourse / Dmytro Marieiev, Igor Chornyi, Olena Balaban and ot. // World Journal of English Language. - 2023. - Vol. 13, No. 4. - P. 23-28.