Особливості переживання стресу правоохоронцями на різних етапах професіоналізації
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Право і безпека. – 2016. – № 3 (62). – С. 139–142
Вивчено проблему переживання стресу правоохоронцями на різних етапах професіоналізації.
Виявлено ступінь схильності правоохоронців до стресу, визначено рівень професійного стресу та ступінь стресостійкості у правоохоронців на різних етапах професійного становлення.
In order to study the features of experiencing stress by law enforcement officers at different stages of professionalization, the author has conducted psychological research. While conducting this research the author has used the following methods: 1) method of identifying the degree of susceptibility to stress (Tarasov); 2) test for professional stress (Azarnykh, Tyrtyshnikov); 3) method of determining the stress and social adaptation (Holmes and Pare). Analyzing the current state of the problem became clear and that is that law enforcement officers with the experience from 1 to 5 years are more prone to stress than the cadets of initial training courses. This is due to the performance of official duties and of extreme conditions of activities. As for the stress, the stress of cadets is higher than of law enforcement officers. This is due to the fact that law enforcement officers have insufficient professional experience, are in the process of professional adaptation, which affects the efficiency of their duties, fulfill the tasks in extreme conditions. Long-term stress condition may later lead to professional burnout and, consequently, to the deterioration of both physical and mental health. The stated psychological research is important for practical psychology. Methods that have been used in the research are advisable to use during professional and psychological selection of candidates for training at the Universities within the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and to serve within the police; educational and professional adaptation of cadets and police officers to service activities; professional and psychological training of law enforcement officers, who move to another position within the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; professional and psychological training of law enforcement officers to perform their duties.
Изучены проблемы переживания стресса правоохранителями на разных этапах профессионализации. Выявлена степень склонности правоохранителей к стрессу, определены уровень профессионального стресса и степень стрессоустойчивости у правоохранителей на разных этапах профессионального становления.
In order to study the features of experiencing stress by law enforcement officers at different stages of professionalization, the author has conducted psychological research. While conducting this research the author has used the following methods: 1) method of identifying the degree of susceptibility to stress (Tarasov); 2) test for professional stress (Azarnykh, Tyrtyshnikov); 3) method of determining the stress and social adaptation (Holmes and Pare). Analyzing the current state of the problem became clear and that is that law enforcement officers with the experience from 1 to 5 years are more prone to stress than the cadets of initial training courses. This is due to the performance of official duties and of extreme conditions of activities. As for the stress, the stress of cadets is higher than of law enforcement officers. This is due to the fact that law enforcement officers have insufficient professional experience, are in the process of professional adaptation, which affects the efficiency of their duties, fulfill the tasks in extreme conditions. Long-term stress condition may later lead to professional burnout and, consequently, to the deterioration of both physical and mental health. The stated psychological research is important for practical psychology. Methods that have been used in the research are advisable to use during professional and psychological selection of candidates for training at the Universities within the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and to serve within the police; educational and professional adaptation of cadets and police officers to service activities; professional and psychological training of law enforcement officers, who move to another position within the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; professional and psychological training of law enforcement officers to perform their duties.
Изучены проблемы переживания стресса правоохранителями на разных этапах профессионализации. Выявлена степень склонности правоохранителей к стрессу, определены уровень профессионального стресса и степень стрессоустойчивости у правоохранителей на разных этапах профессионального становления.
Нежута, А. В. Особливості переживання стресу правоохоронцями на різних етапах професіоналізації / А. В. Нежута, Т. П. Томан // Право і безпека. – 2016. – № 3 (62). – С. 139–142.
Нежута А. В., Томан Т. П. "Особливості переживання стресу правоохоронцями на різних етапах професіоналізації." Право і Безпека 3 (2016): 139-142.
Nezhuta, A.V. and Toman, T.P. (2016), “Features of experiencing stress by law enforcement officers at different stages of professionalization” [“Osoblyvosti perezhyvannia stresu pravookhorontsiamy na riznykh etapakh profesionalizatsii”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 3, pp. 139–142.
Нежута А. В., Томан Т. П. "Особливості переживання стресу правоохоронцями на різних етапах професіоналізації." Право і Безпека 3 (2016): 139-142.
Nezhuta, A.V. and Toman, T.P. (2016), “Features of experiencing stress by law enforcement officers at different stages of professionalization” [“Osoblyvosti perezhyvannia stresu pravookhorontsiamy na riznykh etapakh profesionalizatsii”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 3, pp. 139–142.
Ключові слова
Психологія. Рsychology. Психология, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, профессиональное становление, стресс, правоохранительные органы, правоохранители, профессиональная адаптация, профессиональное выгорание, professional development, stress, law enforcement agencies, professional adaptation, professional burnout, професійне становлення, стрес, правоохоронні органи, правоохоронці, професійна адаптація, професійне вигорання