Судова система на Українських землях у складі Російської імперії в 1781–1796 рр.





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Право і безпека. - 2016. - № 1 (60). - С. 24–28


На підставі аналізу нормативно-правових актів та історико-правової літератури різних років зроблено спробу дослідити еволюцію судоустрою на українських землях Російської імперії в кінці ХVІІІ ст.
Judicial system in Ukraine in the end of the XVIII century was formed on the basis of the decree by the empress Catherine ІІ «Establishment about Provinces» dated from 1775. Created judicial system was built on the class principle: there was the court for every state. The rights for the nobility were underlined by this document and guaranteed. There was characteristic collective nature for the courts. Formally, a legislator dissociated a court from administration. Development of the judicial system of Russian Empire in 1782–1796 is characterized by considerable changes that happened both in an organizational and structural aspect and in principles of organization of rule-making. Disregarding that a number of judicial instances was already liquidated just before beginning of this period, the system in the whole remained difficult and had numerous shortcomings that created obstacles for its work. Very difficult legislation, far of judicial instances, and also the issue of skilled character played an important role. The process of incorporation of Ukrainian judicial system was accelerated in Russia, although the elements of Ukrainian judicial system continued to exist. By the beginning of the XIX century the judicial system of Ukraine still remained not compatible.
На основании анализа нормативно-правовых актов и историко-правовой литературы разных лет сделана попытка исследовать эволюцию судоустройства на украинских землях Российской империи в конце ХVІІІ ст.


Ільїн, О. В. Судова система на Українських землях у складі Російської імперії в 1781–1796 рр. / О. В. Ільїн // Право і безпека. - 2016. - № 1 (60). - С. 24–28.
Ilyin, O.V. (2016), “Judicial system on Ukrainian lands within Russian Empire in 1781–1796” [“Sudova systema na ukrainskykh zemliakh u skladi Rosiiskoi imperii v 1781–1796 rr.”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 1, pp. 24–28.

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