Місце норм адміністративного права в системі правового регулювання медичного обслуговування поліцейських в закладах охорони здоров’я





Смик, А. С.
Smyk, A. S.










Назва журналу

Номер ISSN

Назва тому


Юридична наука. - 2019. - № 9 (99). - С. 500-506


З’ясовано зміст та сутність правового регулювання медичного обслуговування поліцейських в закладах охорони здоров’я, а також встановлено місце в механізмі цього регулювання норм адміністративної галузі права. Звернено увагу на основні законодавчі та підзаконні нормативно-правові акти, що становлять основу правового регулювання медичного обслуговування поліцейських.
The relevance of the article is that the activities of health care facilities have particularly important tasks, which are sometimes associated with interference in the process of human life in order to influence its condition through various medical measures. The work of these entities is even more specific in the context of the provision of medical services to police officers, whose work in some cases causes significant damage to their physiological and mental condition. Due to the identified signs, the activities of health care facilities in general, as well as those that provide medical care to police officers should be regulated in all areas. This point explains the need to analyze the regulatory impact of the law on public relations that arise during the medical care of police officers in health care facilities, in particular, through the rules of the administrative branch of law. The purpose of the article is to clarify the content and essence of the legal regulation of medical care for police officers in health care facilities, as well as to establish a place in the mechanism of this regulation of administrative law. The article, based on the analysis of scientific views of scientists, describes the content of the concept of “legal regulation of medical care for police officers in health care facilities.” Attention is paid to the main legislative and by-laws that form the basis of legal regulation of medical care for police officers. The place and role in the composition of the latest norms of the administrative branch of law are determined. It is concluded that the rules of administrative law are universally binding, generally accepted, enshrined in the legal system of our state rules of public conduct, which regulate the relations arising in the sphere of government, ie, during the activities of public authorities. These norms establish the regularities of the authorities’ performance of their functions, as well as the legal status of the latter; forms of interaction of government agencies with the population of the country; the relationship of authorities with each other; the status of employees who perform the functions of the relevant authorities and so on. If you look at the sphere of legal regulation of medical care for police officers in health care institutions, it is filled with the norms of the administrative branch of law through which this regulation is expressed.
Выяснено содержание и сущность правового регулирования медицинского обслуживания полицейских в учреждениях здравоохранения, а также установлено место в механизме регулирования норм административной отрасли права. Обращено внимание на основные законодательные и подзаконные нормативно правовые акты, составляющие основу правового регулирования медицинского обслуживания полицейских.


Cмик, А. С. Місце норм адміністративного права в системі правового регулювання медичного обслуговування поліцейських в закладах охорони здоров’я / Cмик А. С. // Юридична наука. - 2019. - № 9 (99). - С. 500-506.

Ключові слова

Адміністративне право та процес. Administrative Law and Procedure. Административное право и процесс, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, правове регулювання, legal regulation, правовое регулирование, поліцейські, police officers, полицейские, медичне обслуговування, health care, медицинское обслуживание, заклади охорони здоров’я, security institutions health, заведения охраны здоровья

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