On the urgency of making methodology for investigating solicitation of children for sexual purposes (Article 156-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)
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Підприємництво, господарство і право. - 2022. - № 9. - С. 65-69
З’ясовано, що нагальність побудови окремої видової методики, а саме методики розслідування домагань дитини для сексуальних цілей (ст. 156-1 КК України), обґрунтовується вразливістю дитини через її вікові
й емоційно-психологічні риси перед зловмисниками; зростанням випадків учинення кримінальних правопорушень, пов’язаних із сексуальним насильством і сексуальною експлуатацією, стосовно дітей, особливо з використанням кіберпростору та телекомунікаційних технологій; розвитком інформаційно-телекомунікаційних систем і технологій, їх активною імплементацією в кримінальну протиправну діяльність; відсутністю сформованих методик розслідування домагань дитини для сексуальних цілей і практичного досвіду з виявлення, розкриття та розслідування вказаних кримінальних правопорушень.
The purpose of the article is to prove the urgency of developing a methodology for investigating solicitation of children for sexual purposes and to outline its structure. Results. The article emphasises that protection of childhood in Ukraine is a general priority task. It is noted that encroachments on the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a child, especially those related to his or her sexual freedom and sexual inviolability, are punishable and necessarily entail liability. It is emphasised that the age and level of development of a child affect the criteria for selecting him or her as a victim of harassment, the ways of committing this unlawful act and the motivation of the perpetrator. During the period of hostilities, due to a number of objective factors, control over the timing of a child's stay in the Internet space and the content to which he or she has access has decreased. In addition, a child's absorption in virtual life and virtual friends is a kind of psychological relief and distraction from current realities. At such times, a child is particularly psychologically and emotionally unstable and vulnerable. The author establishes that criminal offenses committed against a child are characterised by a specific mechanism of commission and by specific activities aimed at their detection, disclosure and investigation. Law enforcement officers are not always able to correctly determine an exhaustive list of circumstances to be clarified during the investigation of these unlawful acts and correctly define the limits of proof; predict the behaviour of participants in criminal proceedings; plan and organise pre-trial investigations; establish effective cooperation; etc. Conclusions. The author establishes that the urgency of developing a separate specific methodology, namely, the methodology for investigating solicitation of children for sexual purposes (Article 156-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) is justified by the child's vulnerability to malefactors due to his/her age and emotional and psychological traits; and by the increasing number of cases of criminal offenses related to sexual abuse and sexual exploitation against children, especially with the use of cyberspace and telecommunication technologies; the development of information and telecommunication systems and technologies, their active implementation in criminal activities; the lack of established methods for investigating solicitation of children for sexual purposes and practical experience in detecting, solving and investigating these criminal offenses.
Выяснено, что необходимость построения отдельной видовой методики, а именно методики расследования домогательства ребенка для сексуальных целей (ст. 156-1 УК Украины), обосновывается уязвимостью ребенка из-за его возрастных и эмоционально-психологических признаков перед злоумышленниками; ростом случаев совершения уголовных правонарушений, связанных с сексуальным насилием и сексуальной эксплуатацией, в отношении детей, особенно с использованием киберпространства и телекоммуникационных технологий; развитием информационно-телекоммуникационных систем и технологий, их активной имплементацией в криминальную противоправную деятельность; отсутствием сформированных методик расследования домогательства ребенка для сексуальных целей и практического опыта по выявлению, раскрытию и расследованию указанных уголовных правонарушений.
The purpose of the article is to prove the urgency of developing a methodology for investigating solicitation of children for sexual purposes and to outline its structure. Results. The article emphasises that protection of childhood in Ukraine is a general priority task. It is noted that encroachments on the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a child, especially those related to his or her sexual freedom and sexual inviolability, are punishable and necessarily entail liability. It is emphasised that the age and level of development of a child affect the criteria for selecting him or her as a victim of harassment, the ways of committing this unlawful act and the motivation of the perpetrator. During the period of hostilities, due to a number of objective factors, control over the timing of a child's stay in the Internet space and the content to which he or she has access has decreased. In addition, a child's absorption in virtual life and virtual friends is a kind of psychological relief and distraction from current realities. At such times, a child is particularly psychologically and emotionally unstable and vulnerable. The author establishes that criminal offenses committed against a child are characterised by a specific mechanism of commission and by specific activities aimed at their detection, disclosure and investigation. Law enforcement officers are not always able to correctly determine an exhaustive list of circumstances to be clarified during the investigation of these unlawful acts and correctly define the limits of proof; predict the behaviour of participants in criminal proceedings; plan and organise pre-trial investigations; establish effective cooperation; etc. Conclusions. The author establishes that the urgency of developing a separate specific methodology, namely, the methodology for investigating solicitation of children for sexual purposes (Article 156-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) is justified by the child's vulnerability to malefactors due to his/her age and emotional and psychological traits; and by the increasing number of cases of criminal offenses related to sexual abuse and sexual exploitation against children, especially with the use of cyberspace and telecommunication technologies; the development of information and telecommunication systems and technologies, their active implementation in criminal activities; the lack of established methods for investigating solicitation of children for sexual purposes and practical experience in detecting, solving and investigating these criminal offenses.
Выяснено, что необходимость построения отдельной видовой методики, а именно методики расследования домогательства ребенка для сексуальных целей (ст. 156-1 УК Украины), обосновывается уязвимостью ребенка из-за его возрастных и эмоционально-психологических признаков перед злоумышленниками; ростом случаев совершения уголовных правонарушений, связанных с сексуальным насилием и сексуальной эксплуатацией, в отношении детей, особенно с использованием киберпространства и телекоммуникационных технологий; развитием информационно-телекоммуникационных систем и технологий, их активной имплементацией в криминальную противоправную деятельность; отсутствием сформированных методик расследования домогательства ребенка для сексуальных целей и практического опыта по выявлению, раскрытию и расследованию указанных уголовных правонарушений.
Ключові слова
криміналістична методика, сексуальна експлуатація, сексуальне насильство, методика розслідування, домагання дитини для сексуальних цілей, формування методики, criminological methodology, sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, investigation methodology, solicitation of children for sexual purposes, formation of methodology, криминалистическая методика притязания ребенка для сексуальных целей, формирование методики, сексуальная эксплуатация, сексуальное насилие, методика расследования, домогательство ребенка для сексуальных целей, формирование методики
Бібліографічний опис
Yatsyk, Yu. On the urgency of making methodology for investigating solicitation of children for sexual purposes (Article 156-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) / Yuliia Yatsyk // Підприємництво, господарство і право. - 2022. - № 9. - С. 65-69. - DOI : https://doi.org/10.32849/2663-5313/2022.9.11.
Yatsyk, Yuliia (2022). On the urgency of making methodology for investigating solicitation of children for sexual purposes (Article 156-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). Entrepreneurship, Economy and Law, 9, 65–69, doi: https://doi.org/10.32849/2663-5313/2022.9.11.
Yatsyk, Yuliia (2022). On the urgency of making methodology for investigating solicitation of children for sexual purposes (Article 156-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). Entrepreneurship, Economy and Law, 9, 65–69, doi: https://doi.org/10.32849/2663-5313/2022.9.11.