Criminological principles of preservation of state sovereignty
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Visegrad journal on human rights. – 2019. – № 5 (Vol. 1). – P. 104-109
Досліджено фундаментальний елемент державотворення – суверенітет, його
основні ознаки, значення для суспільства і держави. Встановлено вразливі боки суверенітету. Виявлено загрозливі процеси та фактори, що детермінують злочини проти державного суверенітету, які унеможливлюють його розбудову, загрожують реальному існуванню та ставлять під сумнів його необхідність.
The article is devoted to the study of the fundamental element of state formation – sovereignty, its main features, importance for society and the state, as well as the vulnerabilities of sovereignty. Criminological research has revealed threatening processes and factors that determine crimes against state sovereignty that make it impossible to build, threaten real existence, and call into question its necessity. It is emphasized that today it is possible to distinguish specific processes that activate crimes against state sovereignty: economic decline; lack of economic self-sufficiency and competitiveness of the national economy; financial dependence; increase in external debt; instability of the national currency; the inability of the state to protect national interests; the subordination of power to the business elite, as well as the splicing of business with the public administration; low efficiency of decision-making and decision-making of state decisions; lack of morality, lack of a common system of value orientations that would consolidate society and state institutions; the decline of one’ s own culture and spirituality, which is exacerbated by a significant counterbalance of the elements of culture, legal nihilism, total corruption, restriction of information space, demographic crisis. External processes that undermine the foundations of state sovereignty of Ukraine and attribute it to the most vulnerable countries can be defined: the non-aligned status of Ukraine and the lack of a strong defense capability, and therefore the lack of real opportunities to protect national interests; development of transnational corporations in the world economy; lack of effective international safeguards and declarative external support; active militarization of the countries of the world; neglect of international law and as a result of the emergence of self-proclaimed states; illegal migration; terrorism; the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, as well as the inevitable processes of globalization. It is pointed out that the determination of crimes against state sovereignty is encompassed by all processes of life of Ukrainian society and state institutions and depends directly on the growth of the standard of living and the welfare of the population. safeguarding the vital conditions of society and the vital interests of the individual, society and state from internal and external threats, including and force pressure. The real ability of the state to provide an organic combination of these elements (factors) will become a reliable basis for strengthening and building actual state sovereignty.
Исследован фундаментальный элемент создания государства – суверенитет, его основные признаки, значение для общества и государства. Установлены уязвимые стороны суверенитета. Выявлены угрожающие процессы и факторы, детерминирующие преступления против государственного суверенитета, исключающие его развитие, угрожающие реальному существованию и ставящие под сомнение его необходимость.
The article is devoted to the study of the fundamental element of state formation – sovereignty, its main features, importance for society and the state, as well as the vulnerabilities of sovereignty. Criminological research has revealed threatening processes and factors that determine crimes against state sovereignty that make it impossible to build, threaten real existence, and call into question its necessity. It is emphasized that today it is possible to distinguish specific processes that activate crimes against state sovereignty: economic decline; lack of economic self-sufficiency and competitiveness of the national economy; financial dependence; increase in external debt; instability of the national currency; the inability of the state to protect national interests; the subordination of power to the business elite, as well as the splicing of business with the public administration; low efficiency of decision-making and decision-making of state decisions; lack of morality, lack of a common system of value orientations that would consolidate society and state institutions; the decline of one’ s own culture and spirituality, which is exacerbated by a significant counterbalance of the elements of culture, legal nihilism, total corruption, restriction of information space, demographic crisis. External processes that undermine the foundations of state sovereignty of Ukraine and attribute it to the most vulnerable countries can be defined: the non-aligned status of Ukraine and the lack of a strong defense capability, and therefore the lack of real opportunities to protect national interests; development of transnational corporations in the world economy; lack of effective international safeguards and declarative external support; active militarization of the countries of the world; neglect of international law and as a result of the emergence of self-proclaimed states; illegal migration; terrorism; the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, as well as the inevitable processes of globalization. It is pointed out that the determination of crimes against state sovereignty is encompassed by all processes of life of Ukrainian society and state institutions and depends directly on the growth of the standard of living and the welfare of the population. safeguarding the vital conditions of society and the vital interests of the individual, society and state from internal and external threats, including and force pressure. The real ability of the state to provide an organic combination of these elements (factors) will become a reliable basis for strengthening and building actual state sovereignty.
Исследован фундаментальный элемент создания государства – суверенитет, его основные признаки, значение для общества и государства. Установлены уязвимые стороны суверенитета. Выявлены угрожающие процессы и факторы, детерминирующие преступления против государственного суверенитета, исключающие его развитие, угрожающие реальному существованию и ставящие под сомнение его необходимость.
Nosach, A. Criminological principles of preservation of state sovereignty / Andrii Nosach // Visegrad journal on human rights. – 2019. – № 5 (Vol. 1). – P. 104-109.
Ключові слова
Кримінологія. Criminology. Криминология, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, державний суверенітет, state sovereignty, государственный суверенитет, суверенітет, sovereignty, суверенитет, детермінанти злочинності, determinants of crime, детерминанты преступности, publikatsii u zarubizhnomu vydanni, держава, суспільство